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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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I don't think anyone can properly judge unions,unless they have been part of one.

If your outside the union you are fed your information from the news and government.If you are in the union,you know exactly what you are striking about.

I have witnessed first hand how strikes have been turned into "greedy workers seek more pay!" headlines,and all we were striking for is what the company promised us in exchange to change our working conditions!We kept our side of the bargain,yet they don't,and we still look like the bad ones in the media?

For every time you see the headlines "workers on strike over pay"I bet if you dug a little deeper with the actual workers,you would be surprised to learn stuff the media conveniently forget to tell the public!

When you have witnessed this first hand,you truly understand how powerful the media/government connection actually is.

Edited by SqueakyPete
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I was referring to the statement you made saying no matter what a person had done it was wrong to be happy when they died. I disagree. I also stand by what I said about the sick bag. No offence, nothing personal, I just think you are wrong. We can always agree to disagree.


I'm more than happy to disagree because I'd rather have a bit of humanity. I'm never going to sink to the level of celebrating a death. It's twisted and wrong.


You know where you can stuff your sickbag;)

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I'm more than happy to disagree because I'd rather have a bit of humanity. I'm never going to sink to the level of celebrating a death. It's twisted and wrong.


You know where you can stuff your sickbag;)


It's very good of you to offer I must say...bend over then. :hihi:

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people. The better off receiving tax hand outs paid for by the poorest.............


I would love to see the math to prove this impossibility, the poorest don’t pay tax so can’t be giving anything to anyone. .

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Are you for real ?? Where were you educated ?? You now have your dream.............Tory rule, a pathetic toothless opposition, no Trade Unions worth mentioning. Living standards for ordinary folk cut beyond belief. Assaults on vulnerable, old, disabled and disadvantaged people. The better off receiving tax hand outs paid for by the poorest.............

Strong Unions are now needed more than ever. Fighting the Torys on the picket lines is fruitless. Next time, we fight them in the courts.

European law gives us the means..........if our leaders were only intelligent enough to use it.



Strong unions are the last thing this country needs again. strong unions means strikes and the country in chaos. The Labour government of the 70`s let the unions do what they wanted ,and it led to the country being crippled by strikes . Mrs Thatcher came in and put a stop to it. Yes, she was heavy handed in the way she stopped the unions running riot ,but it had to be done. Unions must be kept on a very short lead otherwise we would go back to the dark days of the seventie`s where unions were calling the shots . That must not be allowed to happen.

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The writing was on the wall for large parts of British industry long before Thatcher took power. Developed western nations started to lose their monopoly on manufacturing as emerging economies started to make the same stuff we'd been making for generations, but far cheaper. No doubt we could have remained competitive IF workers had been prepared to sacrifice their standard of living. I know people living in pit villages and ship building towns probably didn't think they had a lot, but compare that to what a Korean or Taiwanese worker had or were getting paid, that's what we were up against.


Whilst other politicians followed an agenda of managed decline, Maggie saw this as defeatist, and had vision that Britain could have a place in the new global economy.

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