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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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Attracted investment from Toyota, Honda, Nissan/Datsun.


The first new motor businesses to set up in the UK in a generation. None have come there since.


With the exception of BMW, more Nissan, Jensen and Tata/Jaguar/Landrover.


Apart from that, you make your usual, accurate contribution.

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Attracted investment from Toyota, Honda, Nissan/Datsun.


The first new motor businesses to set up in the UK in a generation. None have come there since.


That's one thing we agree on, Thatcher certainly did a great deal for manufacturing in the Far East.


---------- Post added 09-04-2013 at 00:32 ----------


I will choose not to remember her at all.


Who knows? We might finally get to see what role Thatcher played in the aftermath of Hillsborough.

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No. But as anyone who works in a team will know, two heads are better than one... and three are better than two.


That is the basis of a lot of human advancement. Mrs Thatcher and her cronies threw a lot of that away. The direct consequence is the "I'm all right Jack" culture that afflicts our country.


You really can't do it all alone. There is such a thing as society. Collective action is often a good thing.


Lady Thatcher never said teamwork was a bad thing. A team can only work if every individual within the team takes individual responsibility for their part. Collective action is great, where we have a problem is collective inaction, like the bolshy communist unions she thankfully crushed.

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Lady Thatcher never said teamwork was a bad thing. A team can only work if every individual within the team takes individual responsibility for their part. Collective action is great, where we have a problem is collective inaction, like the bolshy communist unions she thankfully crushed.


Is that like the bolshy communist unions that play a major part in the German manufacturing miracle?


Seems like she might have missed a trick there.

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Britain put in a civil war situation. Road blocks, restrictions of movement. Media controlled by the Torys, man against man, family against family. Communities destroyed. Dirty deals with the Notts miners........a new union [uDM] springs up overnight [no doubt funded by Dark Forces]......................

Its endless. She said " We don't need manufacturing industries anymore. We will have the service industries, insurance and banking". Ho Ho Ho !!!!!! We became the filthiest money laundering centre in the world. Then all the finance and banking industry went belly up. Manufacturing had all gone [to China]. Energy industries had all been sold off [Don't tell Sid] Then fools elected the present Coalition........Clegg takes his 30 pieces of silver. She left a legacy of "every man for himself". My conscience is clear, I saw through most of this crap years ago.........


---------- Post added 08-04-2013 at 23:23 ----------



Oh dear, another typical uninformed post. All based on 'wot it sez in the SUN'

For Christs sake, THINK !!! Use a little grey matter. Are you allowed out on your own ??? :rolleyes:


Like .... :thumbsup:

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Is that like the bolshy communist unions that play a major part in the German manufacturing miracle?


Seems like she might have missed a trick there.


What Margaret Thatchers government did was assert that they governed the country and not the unions .

Do you remember the regular strikes and their results, electricity only available for certain hours etc. The unions were holding the country to ransom if they did not get what they wanted until she confronted them.

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Every word you say is true, the sad thing is that so many people now live by the I'm alright Jack way of thinking, this has now divided the working class and is the out come of the Thatcher years.


Without the Iron Lady the Unions would have continued holding the country to ransom. The Unions had to be stopped otherwise there would have been strikes every week . You cannot have Unions with power , they would cause chaos. Without Mrs T the unions would have got stronger and created havoc.

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What Margaret Thatchers government did was assert that they governed the country and not the unions .

Do you remember the regular strikes and their results, electricity only available for certain hours etc. The unions were holding the country to ransom if they did not get what they wanted until she confronted them.


I do remember.


1973, wasn't it.


Tory Government, wasn't it?


That is at the heart of her entire attack on working people.

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That is a mistake.


We should always learn from history, and avoid making the same mistakes twice.


Don't get me wrong, I have no objection to the most forensic dismantling of Thatcherite policy, not to mention tracing the breadcrumbs of the current financial and housing crises back to where they truly belong.


However, for me rememberance carries with it echoes of honouring those remembered and she deserves no part of that in my opinion.


Who knows? We might finally get to see what role Thatcher played in the aftermath of Hillsborough.


That would not surprise me as I do think that, ultimately, there is a reasonable possibility that her legacy will be formed by what appears after her death. We shall see.

Edited by mikem8634
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