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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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Another of the thatcher governments legacies that we still pay for today,was the fiasco of selling council houses.

The money from sales was meant to go back into building decent modern homes.

In actual fact,that money was used to fund tax cuts to the rich and pay for the spiraling cost of benefit,again which dogs us today.

The knock on is we have a chronic shortage of affordable social housing,and house prices rocketed,and that will be another policy that generations after mine will struggle to put right.


Could you please explain how selling a council house could possibly result in house price inflation?


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What's the use of having a government if you're not going to heed the advice of said government in favour of being a conviction politician with a "set out to do" mantra? U-turns are usually the result of pressure from your peers, public or both. She was voted in as head of a democratic state, not as dictator. Her downfall was subject to the inability to heed warnings due to her own self importance. Having "balls" is knowing when you're wrong and acting on it.


A strong govt is one that looks at a longer term picture and sticks the course (of what they believe/hope will turn out to be the correct course). However, this will only be known for certain a number of years down the line.


A weak govt is one that reacts to public opnion and peer pressure (from MP's more worried about their seat and the next election) and flips and flops from one short-term, popularist measure to another.


Sadly, most MP's have one and half eye's on the next election and their likely re-election. And most of the electorate don't really understand the long term nature of many govt policies.


Changes to tax or duty now take at least 18 months to have an impact on the economy. The ripple effect.


Strong govt's are not driven by emotions.

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A strong govt is one that looks at a longer term picture and sticks the course (of what they believe/hope will turn out to be the correct course). However, this will only be known for certain a number of years down the line.


A weak govt is one that reacts to public opnion and peer pressure (from MP's more worried about their seat and the next election) and flips and flops from one short-term, popularist measure to another.


Sadly, most MP's have one and half eye's on the next election and their likely re-election. And most of the electorate don't really understand the long term nature of many govt policies.


Changes to tax or duty now take at least 18 months to have an impact on the economy. The ripple effect.


Strong govt's are not driven by emotions.


Is a strong government inherently a good one?


Is recongnizing a mistake and changing course not considered to be a positive?

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I don't agree to houses that were bought being used to provide an income but in the last resort it is up to the owner what they do.
If we are discussing the morality of selling council properties at a discount I'd argue that what the owners subsequently do with them is relevant.

There needs to be a reasonable reduction in housing benefit to force down the rent landlords charge linked to acceptable levels of rent charged.

That would be difficult with the current shortage in housing. Landlords would just rent to people who could afford to pay more and those who needed housing benefit would be left homeless.

I asked about the lack of an house building agenda by any party as I think it is the answer to why council houses were sold. As I said in an earlier post council housing requires rents to be collected, repairs undertaken, modernisation programmes etc. and all associated tasks. I believe councils were and still are glad to be relieved of these costly responsibilities.

The massive mistake was not reinvesting the money gathered from house sales into building new houses, but this was probably a part of the plan to achieve the above responsibilities and future expense.

The Conservative government that introduced the right to buy scheme ruled the proceeds of council house sales couldn't be spent on building new houses. Labour were left without having that money to reinvest and the prospect of any newly built houses being sold at a loss before there had been a chance to recover the costs under the right to buy scheme.


Both parties had an interest in encouraging hyperinflation in the housing market because it makes people feel[1] wealthy and happier with the government. The only real way to reduce house prices is to build more houses - council or otherwise. I can't imagine any government wanting that because falling house prices makes people feel poorer - and not just those who would be plunged into negative equity by it either.



[1] I say feel wealthy because, since people need somewhere to live, rising house prices are bad for people unless they downsize as they get old or sell up to go into an OAP's home. Anyone trading up to a more expensive property should welcome falling house prices. If you sell it before then, you may have made a profit on it but you'll need somewhere to live and a new property will be more expensive as well so you profit will be of no use. Better to have house prices remain relatively static and everybody be able to afford one.

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What is the quote - 'you can't please all of the people all of the time'?


She could not have reduced the high levels of income tax without unburdening the British tax payer from subsidising/propping up wasteful, ineptly run industries - steel, coal, gas, electricity, telecoms etc.,


In doing so, quickly or slowly, any die hard socialist or union member would never be pleased by those actions.


Even now, 20+ years after the miner's strike (where emotions still run high) the decision to close unprofitable pits remains the correct decision (though no miner or miner's relative would have it now, certainly not back then).


How can I say that?


1. Private companies, like RJB Mining etc., were invited to bid for the running of those pits. They did for some, but not for all. And few, if any, are still operating now.


2. Had they been profitable then or were they profitable now, they would have been re-opened. Only a select few were (see above) and virtually none are now.


Back then, it cost more to mine the coal than it could be sold for on the open market (I recall something being said it cost £2 to mine the coal and it could be sold for £1.)


Who's fault was that? The miners for strike after strike asking for more (and getting more) pay? Mis-management, a general move away from fossil energy or just general market forces? That's another debate.


I think of it like this - imagine you employ a cleaner and you give them £50 to clean your house and to buy cleaning equipment. You go away and when you come back, very little has been done. When questioned the cleaner said 'I didn't have enough more for the cleaning stuff'. So you give them more money and the same thing happens. So you give them more money and...


At what point do you say 'enough is enough, I'm not giving any more money for it to be wasted on what?'


That was the choice Mrs T made - she said 'enough is enough' (only, it was our money - tax payers money - being wasted).


---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 13:46 ----------



Tell you what, let's turn this on it's head and you list all the policies instigated by Mrs T that did absolutely no good for the country and, in fact, completely harmed the country and population that still persist today?


Or, better still, list how her policies have adversely affected the society in which you live today?


Re my bold.


Please...allow me.


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I see that IPSA are offering MPs upto £3,750 in expenses to attend the Commons today. Nice eh.

I just hope for that money MPs will respect the truth, and reflect the fact that not everyone in this country thinks like the Dail Mail or Telegraph.


EDIT: One of the more perceptive commentators of Thatcher put it very well:

"She wanted the British people to be like her father, but they turned out more like her son."

Edited by Mister M
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Pretty simple....if theres a large NEED and a SMALL supply,gradually the price of whatever you sell inflates


But the supply remains the same, a council house that is sold is still a house, selling it asn’t altered the amount of houses. The only way to affect prices is do as Labour did and demolish the house, then the supply as reduced and prices will rise.

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How long do you have ? I've seen good private nursing homes and some I wouldn't put a dog in. I've seen some sub par council care homes and some pretty good council care homes. The thing I've found the main difference to be is the quality of carers, and that's the thing that more often than not that makes the difference - that transcends who owns what and who makes what money. Perversely, the homes that often make the real money are the ones with massive waiting lists. The biggest problem with the elderly is the sheer increase in numbers and that society as whole doesn't have a high opinion of the elderly.


I could say that most instances of mistreatment of the elderly happens in Nhs hospitals, and whilst accurate that's not the point. There are more people living longer with more complex illnesses, particularly dementia. Whether its private or public owned is a moot point, it all needs to be paid for. You do, at the very least have a choice on where you spend your final days. Did you get that before thatcher ?


You make a valid point in that it is the quality of carers that make some difference between a 'good' and a 'bad' home. And that is just one point that demonstates how greedy business men cash in on the care of the elderly. To attain high levels of care you need dedicated staff, but to employ them you need to pay decent wages with decent working conditions. Oh dear, paying decent wages means eating into our profit, so lets not do that, we can settle for uncaring people who have no dedication.


Giving Residents/Patients some quality of life means allowing them to have control of their legal personal allowence. Oh dear but that means the home owner can't put it into the pot to increase his profit so don't lets do that. What does it matter that a Resident hasn't the dignity or wherewithall to enable him to buy a packet of sweets or a birthday card for his Grandchild.


Yes, care has to be paid for, but profits do not have to be excessive at the cost of quality of care. I have been in battles at first hand in the efforts to prevent Care Home Owners from causing suffering and flaunting health and safety rules in order to maximise their profits.


Just before Maggie came to power there were three experimental NHS Nursing Homes in operation looking at a possible alternative to the big geriatric hospitals. They were being researched by a team from Newcastle University to see if they were a viable option. After two years the reports that were published were extemely favourable and the experiment was considered a great success.The care levels and dignity of Patients were high and the staff dedicated.


This all came to nothing as she was determined to place these Patients into the hands of profiteers whose sole aim was to make money with little or no regard for the vunerable people placed into their care.


The Care Commision and their predecessors, the inspection units, had no teeth and though they managed to nibble away in minor ways, they never were able to greatly improve the lot of Patients or staff.


And lets not forget that the ex-council tenants who bought their council houses and managed to continue to pay their morgages and hold on to their homes then had to sell them in order to fund their own care. So much for care from cradle to grave.


I agree that society has little respect for the elderly and that is just one symptom of the selfish society we have become since Maggie's rule.

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Is a strong government inherently a good one?


Is recongnizing a mistake and changing course not considered to be a positive?


I have been trying to answer you earlier reponse, but whenever I try to post, it says I am not logged in, having typing in my response. So, I'm giving up on that one - not because you have defeated my argument - Sheffield Forum has defeated me.


As for strong or weak govt?


A strong govt, as I said, is one that does not react to short-term, popularist views.


A weak govt does - it changes course because the popular view is that it should.


Thatcher did not change course (ultimately her undoing - the Poll Tax), even when her popular rating in the country was at an all time low (during the miner's strike and the early spending cuts).


She has been proved right now - not only because they were the right actions to take, but also because no successive govt's have reversed the policies her govt implemented.


You may say she was wrong - history and govt's that followed disagree.

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