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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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Ref your last paragraph.

We need to determine the price of building an house and not its selling price which may not be far off the discounted sale price of an older house.

That's effectively arguing for councils to become property developers but to sell the properties they build at cost. I'm not sure the construction industry will be too happy about that.


As I said in my first post if the council/government were serious about increasing the council housing stock they could erect prefabs as happened after the last war to ease the housing problem.

They are not - that's part of the problem. Sufficient houses = prices fall = people feel poorer = unhappy voters.


If houses were sold without a discount it would make absolutely no difference to building new council houses as this money could not be used for that purpose.
The extra money could be used for other things - paying for the extra housing benefit required after some of the ex-council houses have been sold on to buy to let landlords for instance.


Ref care home costs.

Means testing is carried out on all but if neither have savings the council tenant gets free care whereas the home owner has to sell their home to pay.

It was a very shrewd move by the government to sell off council houses it took away their responsibility and expense, received money from their sale and enabled them take the money from the sale the owners home for care costs thus saving them more money.(The value of the house will have increased therefore the council will get back the increased value of the property)


If that was the case people wouldn't be able to pass the property on the their families which you mentioned in posts 234 and 403. The reality is people would find a way to pass it on without it counting towards their means testing in a similar manner to the way people avoid death taxes.


Do you really think they were giving people something for nothing ?


No. Discounted houses are very popular with voters - whatever party they support.

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I agree she was a strong leader but my view is she got many things wrong.


Like the Falklands, yeah she led us to a victory but she invited the invasion with cost-cutting measures like removing the Royal Navy presence in the area.


There wasn’t a significant Naval presence to withdraw, just HMS Endurance, and it wouldn't have been much of a deterrent.

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She never started a war but new how to end one by winning.

She cut out the dead wood of our industrial past.

She followed her convictions with no regard for her reputation.

She was the best leader this country ever had.

She is hated by those who can't understand what its is to lead from the front.

She had more balls than all men in her midst.

Like a parents tough love she made people depend on themselves not others.

She is what this country needs again, not the weak limp fools who govern us now.

Amen to that.:thumbsup:


---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 15:53 ----------


There wasn’t a significant Naval presence to withdraw, just HMS Endurance, and it wouldn't have been much of a deterrent.
There isn't much need to keep a large force of ships in the area. We kept massive fleets stationed around the world for years at great expense. Then developed smaller mobile forces that could be deployed quickly in time of trouble. Most of the ships I served in were oil fired, but the Americans developed nuclear powered ships to a fine art, so are able to get just about anywhere in thw world without refuelling.
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This forum is driving me nuts!!! Every time I try to respond to any post, I type my reply, I click submit and it says I am not logged in or not allowed to post to this topic or something - and everything I type is gone.


As I'm trying to argue in favour of Maggie and this is a forum in Sheffield (not the most well thought of person in Sheffield) I smell conspiracy!!! Grrr


Oh, right, so this posts.


Why have none of my recent attempts to defend her and her policies fail to post????


Bloody forum............!


I give up

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There wasn’t a significant Naval presence to withdraw, just HMS Endurance, and it wouldn't have been much of a deterrent.


Don't know how anybody can defend the old bat. I had a friend at work whose younger brother couldn't find work so his mother agreed to let him join the Navy because she didn't want him to join army due to issues in Northern Ireland. He got killed in the Falklands, he was 19.

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The Mozzer's view on the cough 'person' >


“Thatcher is remembered as The Iron Lady only because she possessed completely negative traits such as persistent stubbornness and a determined refusal to listen to others.


“Every move she made was charged by negativity; she destroyed the British manufacturing industry, she hated the miners, she hated the arts, she hated the Irish Freedom Fighters and allowed them to die, she hated the English poor and did nothing at all to help them, she hated Greenpeace and environmental protectionists, she was the only European political leader who opposed a ban on the Ivory Trade, she had no wit and no warmth and even her own Cabinet booted her out.”


He claimed that a woman will never be made Prime Minister again due to Thatcher, saying: “She hated feminists even though it was largely due to the progression of the women's movement that the British people allowed themselves to accept that a Prime Minister could actually be female.


“But because of Thatcher, there will never again be another woman in power in British politics, and rather than opening that particular door for other women, she closed it.“


He went on to criticise Thatcher’s role in the British invasion of the Falklands in 1982. “She gave the order to blow up the Belgrano even though it was outside of the Malvinas Exclusion Zone – and was sailing away from the islands.


“When the young Argentinian boys aboard The Belgrano had suffered a most appalling and unjust death, Thatcher gave the thumbs up sign for the British press. Iron? No. Barbaric? Yes.


He concluded: “Thatcher will only be fondly remembered by sentimentalists who did not suffer under her leadership, but the majority of British working people have forgotten her already, and the people of Argentina will be celebrating her death.


“As a matter of recorded fact, Thatcher was a terror without an atom of humanity.”


I love the last line in bold.

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Nothing seemingly about it..it happened.


The alternative was to continue to prop up those ineptly managed industries with public money (working persons tax revenue).


Her view was, why should the working population continue to do that? Why should govt be involved in the running of business - let business run business.


She shut the cashpoint and the businesses, badly run and strangled by unions and their demands, failed.

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Don't know how anybody can defend the old bat. I had a friend at work whose younger brother couldn't find work so his mother agreed to let him join the Navy because she didn't want him to join army due to issues in Northern Ireland. He got killed in the Falklands, he was 19.


What ship did he serve on?

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