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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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There wasn’t a significant Naval presence to withdraw, just HMS Endurance, and it wouldn't have been much of a deterrent.


It symbolised a declining British commitment. She was warned not to withdraw the ship. She ignored the warnings.

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'Margaret Thatcher


The difficulty with giving a comment on Margaret Thatcher's death to the British tabloids is that, no matter how calmly and measuredly you speak, the comment must be reported as an "outburst" or an "explosive attack" if your view is not pro-establishment. If you reference "the Malvinas", it will be switched to "the Falklands", and your "Thatcher" will be softened to a "Maggie." This is generally how things are structured in a non-democratic society. Thatcher's name must be protected not because of all the wrong that she had done, but because the people around her allowed her to do it, and therefore any criticism of Thatcher throws a dangerously absurd light on the entire machinery of British politics. Thatcher was not a strong or formidable leader. She simply did not give a **** about people, and this coarseness has been neatly transformed into bravery by the British press who are attempting to re-write history in order to protect patriotism. As a result, any opposing view is stifled or ridiculed, whereas we must all endure the obligatory praise for Thatcher from David Cameron without any suggestion from the BBC that his praise just might be an outburst of pro-Thatcher extremism from someone whose praise might possibly protect his own current interests. The fact that Thatcher ignited the British public into street-riots, violent demonstrations and a social disorder previously unseen in British history is completely ignored by David Cameron in 2013. In truth, of course, no British politician has ever been more despised by the British people than Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher's funeral on Wednesday will be heavily policed for fear that the British tax-payer will want to finally express their view of Thatcher. They are certain to be tear-gassed out of sight by the police.


United Kingdom? Syria? China? What's the difference?




I just love The Moz me.

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It symbolised a declining British commitment. She was warned not to withdraw the ship. She ignored the warnings.


But the Flaklands conflict started before HMS Endurance was withdrawn form the Falklands.

On 19 March 1982, while HMS Endurance was at Stanley, South Georgia was occupied by Argentinian civilians, and the Endurance was sent to order them off the island, this was the start of the conflict.

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Please educate me, skinz.


There are a plethora of books about Thatcherism.


Probably the fairest and most objective is written by one of her cabinet colleagues in her first cabinet.

It is called "Dancing with Dogma" Ian Gilmour, 1992.

Worth checking out

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You are confusing two entirely separate issues, for the price of these houses to rise, credit had to be cheaper, there had to be more people or fewer houses, the sale of them didn’t create more people, less houses or cheaper credit, therefore the sale of them didn’t cause house prices to rise.


You're forgetting that ex-council houses were a prime target for buy to let speculators.


---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 21:34 ----------


But the Flaklands conflict started before HMS Endurance was withdrawn form the Falklands.

On 19 March 1982, while HMS Endurance was at Stanley, South Georgia was occupied by Argentinian civilians, and the Endurance was sent to order them off the island, this was the start of the conflict.


I know it started before. What is your point? That you think that I think Endurance was going to take on the Argentinian navy and air force by itself? It was the symbolism of the planned withdrawal that was important.

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You're forgetting that ex-council houses were a prime target for buy to let speculators.


No I haven't forgot that, but it doesn't alter the fact that selling them didn't cause house prices to rise, it’s the policies of labour that caused that, people started to buy houses because they didn't trust pensions, there were many reasons why house prices rose, but selling council houses isn't one of them, selling them had the opposite affect, more houses for sale, means more supply, so cheaper houses, but then Labour decreased the supply of houses and increased the population, more demand resulted in higher prices.


---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 21:39 ----------


You're forgetting that ex-council houses were a prime target for buy to let speculators.


---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 21:34 ----------



I know it started before. What is your point? That you think that I think Endurance was going to take on the Argentinian navy and air force by itself? It was the symbolism of the planned withdrawal that was important.


So you are claiming that Argentina new we was going to withdraw the ship but decided to invade before we did it.

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I know it started before. What is your point? That you think that I think Endurance was going to take on the Argentinian navy and air force by itself? It was the symbolism of the planned withdrawal that was important.


So should we send a costal patrol vessel to sit off North Korea to show we won't take any sauce from the fat one?


It wasn't deterring anything. Either have a meaningfull force as we do now or don't waste money pretending we can prevent an invasion with one small ship.

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No I haven't forgot that, but it doesn't alter the fact that selling them didn't cause house prices to rise, it’s the policies of labour that caused that, people started to buy houses because they didn't trust pensions, there were many reasons why house prices rose, but selling council houses isn't one of them, selling them had the opposite affect, more houses for sale, means more supply, so cheaper houses, but then Labour decreased the supply of houses and increased the population, more demand resulted in higher prices.


---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 21:39 ----------



So you are claiming that Argentina new we was going to withdraw the ship but decided to invade before we did it.


When right to buy kicked in we had a housing bubble, in the 80s. Then a crash in 1989.


About Endurance that's exactly what I'm claiming. She was warned not to plan the withdrawal of the ship. She ignored the warnings.




---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 21:59 ----------


So should we send a costal patrol vessel to sit off North Korea to show we won't take any sauce from the fat one?


It wasn't deterring anything. Either have a meaningfull force as we do now or don't waste money pretending we can prevent an invasion with one small ship.


As I stated it was the symbolism of the naval presence, limited as it was it had political significance too.

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Attila The Stockbroker's tribute to her:




The furnaces were roaring

With a foul and sulphurous smell

The damned were being tortured –

Just another day in Hell.

The air was full of ghastly screams

And soul-destroying moans

When above the dreadful clamour

Rose some shrill suburban tones…


‘So messy! And so smelly!

And so awfully, awfully hot!

And all you do is torture –

That puts nothing in the pot!

I’ll close down all your furnaces

Your unproductive ways

And build a brand new call centre –

A Purgatory that pays!’


The Devil dropped his pitchfork

And put on his coat and hat.

‘I don’t mind facing Jesus

But I can’t compete with that!’

But the damned and all the goblins

Pleaded ‘Lucifer, don’t go!’

Stay and help us in our fight -

Better the Devil we know!’


So they voted him shop steward

And he led a demonstration

While Thatcher glared and tutted

In mad, impotent frustration.

Then they made some massive banners

In huge letters: ‘COAL NOT DOLE’!




Now Tomas de Torquemada

Held a centuries-old position

As editor of Hell’s newspaper

The Daily Inquisition.

So Thatcher went to him and said

‘I need some press support.

It always does my bidding.

Here’s some text for your report!’


But Tomas said ‘Can’t help you -

‘Cos, Satan, he’s my mate!

You know I’ve served him faithfully

Since 1468…’

So she yelled upstairs to Murdoch:

‘Rupert, time for you to die!

I need you down here urgently!’

But there was no reply.


Then the Devil came in glory

Brian Clough at his right hand

And in tones to shatter marble

He roared: ‘Margaret, you are banned!

Hell’s a worker-run collective

Self-sufficient, closely-knit.

We don’t need your poxy meddling.

I condemn you to the pit!


But, first, I’ll reunite you

With the one you love the most.

He was hiding in the coal hole.

He was dressed up as a ghost.

Said he DIDN’T WANT to see you!

Said to PLEASE keep him away!

But you’re here now, aren’t you, Denis?

Bid your lady wife good day…..


They were loaded in the lift shaft

And soon they were gone from sight

And heading for an awful place

Of pain and endless night

And you’re not going to believe this

‘Twas such awful, rotten luck -

But half way down the endless pit

The Thatchers’ lift got stuck...


So fight for social justice

And build a better world

And bury her foul legacy

With red banners unfurled

And heed the final message

Of this cautionary verse

Or you could end up like Denis.


I can think of nothing worse.

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