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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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So again why didn't Argentina wait an extra couple of months if the ship was important to the defence of the islands?


If you read a decent history of the war you will understand that the Argentinians accelerated their invasion plan, bringing it forward. This was for a number of reasons you can go and research yourself.

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The thing about the Falklands was that we never thought that Argentina would be foolish enough to invade, and Argentina never thought we'd be foolish enough to try and take it back.


As for the Belgrano et all, it was a legitimate target of war. It's direction and location were irrelevant, it was a material asset that could threaten our fleet, ergo, down it goes.

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As for the Belgrano et all, it was a legitimate target of war. It's direction and location were irrelevant, it was a material asset that could threaten our fleet, ergo, down it goes.


Well, if you want to think of it that way, go for it.


I would've preferred the Cinco de Mayo - but the buggers kept it tied up alongside a concrete pier once they realised they were on a 'hiding to nothing'.


Yes, that is what I did for a job and no, I'm not going to talk about it here.

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If you read a decent history of the war you will understand that the Argentinians accelerated their invasion plan, bringing it forward. This was for a number of reasons you can go and research yourself.


So they had plans to invade regardless of what Thatcher did, we had intelligence back in 1977 that they had plans.

Edited by MrSmith
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But it wouldn't have if labour hadn't allowed the housing bubble to inflate out of control; our banks wouldn’t have needed bailing out if they had been prevented from lending such stupid amounts of money in the first place. What we’ve learnt from this is that a labour government can’t mage industry or banking.


Housing bubble under Labour? House do you explain the bubble in the 1980s, gazzumping and all that? Thatcher taught people how to be greedy and it stuck.

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Housing bubble under Labour? House do you explain the bubble in the 1980s, gazzumping and all that? Thatcher taught people how to be greedy and it stuck.


The resent housing bubble was caused by labour policies and peoples greed.


The housing bubble in the 80's was caused by Tory policies and peoples greed.


House price inflation over the decades was caused by the policies of the elected government at the time and peoples greed.


Population expansion, lack of building,and the availability of credit are the biggest drivers of house price rises.


Thatcher didn't teach people how to be greedy, humans evolved to be greedy, it helped us to survive.


You only have to look at the 70's to see greed, with the country on its knees the unions were still demanding more.

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So they had plans to invade regardless of what Thatcher did, we had intelligence back in 1977 that they had plans.


Did you read the link I provided. Her own party advised her against removing the ship.

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Thatcher taught people to be greedy end of and it's stuck.


I didn't like Thatcher and her policies when she was alive, why should that change just because she is dead?


greed is good! its human nature the more you lot deny it the longer there will be the resentment of the better off and ones that are sucessful, Mrs Thatcher was one that embraced that and helped the ones that helped themselves.

ok maybe you didnt like her thats your point of view many many did and did very well out of the policies she implemented.

we need someone like her now with a backbone to turn this country round.

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