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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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They could have given working folks a fair wage.


I believe that many of them are still waiting for this to happen.


Who decides what is a fair wage ?

So you believe that the government should have given in to the union demands when they disrupted the country ?

And when they came with threats the next time should the government have given in to threats ?

No it was simply about who ruled the country. The democratically elected government or the unions.

Many people in the middle suffered.

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She never started a war but new how to end one by winning.

She cut out the dead wood of our industrial past.

She followed her convictions with no regard for her reputation.

She was the best leader this country ever had.

She is hated by those who can't understand what its is to lead from the front.

She had more balls than all men in her midst.

Like a parents tough love she made people depend on themselves not others.

She is what this country needs again, not the weak limp fools who govern us now.


Fantastic post :)

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She never went to war but was happy to send men to their deaths for her own glorification.




She cut out the heart of our country, promoting avarice at the cost of those less fortunate.




She followed her convictions with no regard for the majority of those living in this country, only to further feather the nests of the super rich.




Sadly, she was the most effective leader this country ever had. She changed the mindset of the country. She killed compassion. How ironic that she abused Francis of Assisi's purely altruistic words when she came to power.




And loved by those who believe on stamping on others in their rush to get to the front.




But sadly, less heart.




She snatched milk from children's mouths and she condemned thousands of working men to a life on benefits.




We have more of the same and have only had more of the same since she left power - feathering their own nests whilst the gap between the richest and the poorest grows ever wider.


I shed a tear today. It was not for the passing of Thatcher. It was for the passing of my beautiful country, as it used to be. A country where we cared about the least fortunate and felt they deserved dignity, and where greed was not considered a 'virtue'.


Excellent post

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I do remember.


1973, wasn't it.


Tory Government, wasn't it?


That is at the heart of her entire attack on working people.


So what is it you are saying, dont mess about like a child just come out with it.


You would rather the world as it was before she came along?

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I take it all you lot will be travelling to London for the funeral, I find some posts I've read on SF so embarrassing, especially the ones who come out with I'm thinking of the family etc when really you couldn't give a whatever, and will carry on with your normal lives until you next log on to SF to see if anyone has responded to your post in the thread, where you will still be in mourning.

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