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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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This would be better in the R.I.P. thread. I share you view about respecting the dead but this thread is about discussing her legacy. Discussing her legacy in a negative way is not disrespect.


every thatcher thread has ended up the same so i dont suppose it matters

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Yes they have been around for a long time. The difference is with both is the massive expansion of their use. Interst-only was very popular in the 80s bubble. The 00s bubble was characterised by self-certs too.


This is interesting.


House prices by Prime Minister: from Eden to Cameron


Which PM oversaw the highest level of UK housebuilding?

Edited by MrSmith
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My grandmother despised Mrs Thatcher, she lived the last years of her life living with my auntie and her family and she spent her final days surrounded by her family and friends. I guess there are some things that money can't buy.

Edited by websters gue
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Thanks for posting. Very interesting.


Heath, Thatcher and Blair all presided over house price bubbles. In each case the bubble followed a pulse of deregulation. The bubble ending in 1973 was effectively self limiting. Each subsequent bubble got bigger and more intense, I think driven by increasing deregulation and freedom for the financial sector. Freedom that in each case freed up credit.


I think by 1995 things were badly out of control with much global financial trade coming through London, helping stoke the dot com bubble 1997-2000. The curious thing about that bubble is once it ended catastrophically and despite their failure the banks were immediately able to refocus bubble formation activity, with housing the next target.

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Thatcher wasted oil money and chance to build £450bn sovereign wealth fund.


This is damning. She didn't save this country. She stole its future.




Instead, the report said, successive governments used the proceeds from oil and gas fields to keep public borrowing down rather than build up a fighting fund to tackle long-term problems such as the ageing of the population.


You realy don't like Mrs T do you.:)

Edited by MrSmith
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Instead, the report said, successive governments used the proceeds from oil and gas fields to keep public borrowing down rather than build up a fighting fund to tackle long-term problems such as the ageing of the population.


You realy don't like Mrs T do you.


No I don't like her policies. I don't like the Thatcherite political settlement. And I don't like the way New Labour aped her policies.


But none of this detracts from the fact that she wasted oil revenues. And that fact also destroys the Tory rhetoric (on here) about saving in good times when Tories in government do exactly the opposite.

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  • Stole milk from children
  • Decimated steel industry
  • Killed off the mines and the working together spirit
  • Pretended we were saving the Falkland Islanders from a fate worse than death


In spite of what Mr Smith says there is no steel industry to speak of left and the only reason the old bat went to war was because she thought there was oil to be had in the Falklands

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No I don't like her policies. I don't like the Thatcherite political settlement. And I don't like the way New Labour aped her policies.


But none of this detracts from the fact that she wasted oil revenues. And that fact also destroys the Tory rhetoric (on here) about saving in good times when Tories in government do exactly the opposite.



I'm not saying that governments don't waste money because wasting is something they are all very good at.


But what specifically did she spend the oil revenue on that you consider to be a waste,

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