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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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I have just seen on the TV news that police are scanning web sites for evidence of people organising street parties to celebrate Thatchers death.

Is this an admision of what has been evident since the Miners strike and The Hillsbro cover up that we are indeed a police state.

How can it be an offence to hold a Street party.


They track Twitter, Facebook etc...


It makes me slightly uneasy but then again if somebody is stupid enough to public incite criminal behaviour they deserve everything they get.

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Moderator message:


Yes I know it's slightly oddball to post a mod message like this .... But I'm not the 'norm'.......Has anyone who has contributed to this thread actually changed their view? Or been swayed one way or the other?....It appears to me, that either you're in the Thatcher camp...or wildly the other way, and it seems nothing and no argument one way or the other will change anyone's views!....I'm just interested to know.

Yes me....i couldnt stand the woman...now i really really really hate the cow

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They track Twitter, Facebook etc...


It makes me slightly uneasy but then again if somebody is stupid enough to public incite criminal behaviour they deserve everything they get.

If as you say the purpose is to incite criminal behaviour all well and good.

But it does seem as though 1984 is well and truly here.

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I left the UK in the early 80s and well remember the situation the country was in during the 60s and 70s. The UK was finished, "the sick man of Europe" the unions had gone mad and sought to overthrow the elected government. Had Callaghan won the 79 election we would now be in the same situation as Albania, Cuba or North Korea.


Labour policy was fo us to leave NATO and the EEC. We would have destroyed our relationship with Europe and the US.


Thatcher won, took on and defeated the unions, she, against advice, freed the Falklands from a Fascist junta.


She, with Reagan, brought about the end of communism, now millions of people throughout eastern Europe are free, due to Thatcher.


She is a colossus, the finest politician this country has had since Disraeli.


Welcome back xenia.


I am a former member of the NUM and until 1984 was a loyal member as was my father and grandfather before me.


The first time I realised how corrupt the NUM was, was when I witnessed union officials burn down the NUM office at manvers containing the expenses books they had fiddled to line their own pockets at the expense of the flying pickets.


Scargill turned out to be a traitor, to his class and to his country.


Thatcher saved the country from a bunch of traitors who would have turned this country into North Korea.




You can't kid me.

Edited by Stan Tamudo
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If as you say the purpose is to incite criminal behaviour all well and good.

But it does seem as though 1984 is well and truly here.


Seems all 1984, er no not really. Posting something public on FB or twitter is no different to say hanging a banner outside your house saying Thatcher party here next Wednesday at 12 noon.


Don't want the police to know what you're getting up too then don't post it on the Internet for everyone to view.

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However much I disagreed with the Thatcher government, there was, I discovered, a human side to the face of the Iron Lady.


Mrs Thatcher flew to Bruges to visit survivors of the Zeebrugge ferry disaster in hospital. I too flew to Belgium and returned with a little boy who had been orphaned when five of his family were dronwed. He was the sole survivor.


I was unaware that Mrs Thatcher had met this little boy, until a few nights later I received a telephone call at home from her Personal Private Secretay, who was enquiring on her behalf over what was now happening to this little boy.


My number was ex-directory, and in any case I thought this was a newspaper reporter attempting to obtain information by a ruse. I refused point blank to discuss anything. The man claimed he was ringing from No 10

Downing Street and gave me his number to ring back. He told me to give my name and to ask to be put straight through to him.


I rang Directory Enquiries for the No 10 Downing Street number. It was the same number. I rang, gave my name and asked to put through. The receptionsist said that Mrs Thatcher's Personal Private Secretary was expecting my call and put me straight through to him.


The guy thanked me for ringing back and supplying him with the information he was enquiring about on behalf of Mrs Thatcher.


I have no doubt from this event that Mrs Thatcher was touched by this orphaned boy's terrible plight and in the aftermath of the ferry disaster she displayed a human and humane side to her character to her otherwise steely persona.


I was opposed at the time, and remain so, to much -indeed, most - of what Thatcher did in government. I do not hold with the belief that she made Britain great again. Instead she wantonly destroyed whole communities with her policies - for which she should never be forgiven.


But as the funeral hour approaches, and the mourners gather to pay their last respects, I recall this one small incident when the Iron Lady dropped her mask and showed some humanity towards a small, orphaned boy.

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Every ones favorate teacher was the one you were a little scared of, yet you listened and learned ,you knew they had your best interest at heart. They made you focus and try your best and later in life as a parent yourself you remember that teacher, Maggie was a little if not a whole lot more scary than that teacher but I respected her and trusted that she had our best interests at heart.

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Every ones favorate teacher was the one you were a little scared of, yet you listened and learned ,you knew they had your best interest at heart. They made you focus and try your best and later in life as a parent yourself you remember that teacher, Maggie was a little if not a whole lot more scary than that teacher but I respected her and trusted that she had our best interests at heart.


My favorite teachers were always the ones I wasn't scared of because they always seemed to have my best interest at heart.

Edited by Stan Tamudo
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My favorite teachers were always the ones I wasn't scared of because they always had my best interest at heart.


My favorite teacher was a LITTLE scary, My dad was a little scary, Maggie was VERY SCARY but still I respected her. The teachers I didn't like bored me and never scared me, because they didn't realy care. When somone cares they have to do whats right for you not what is easy and painless.

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