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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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She is still the excuse for failure of many folk who never try to succeed, she did me no favours, other than for focusing me on succeeding despite her, Blair had a similar effect on me, hence my total disinterest of politics and politicians.

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As a skilled tradesman in the steel industry,I escaped the main brunt of her policies by emigrating in 1981, my 4th attempt at it. I had already seen what was to come and, in fact, had a taste of it when the British Steel strike was on. I was a contractor who worked in BSC plants a lot, fortunately, we had other clients too.I got out but most of my friends and family did not and many were financially and emotionally ruined by her devastation of the steel and mining industries. She was similar to Churchill, a warrior in international crises but a tyrant to the backbone of her Country, the working class.

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Is it an official day Mel. I remember a Tory MP proposing an official Thatcher day shortly after she died.

nope its completely unnoffical, actually by those wanting to party, but like i said, do whatever you want. I will be dedicating my whole punk radio show to her, as without her and reagan there wouldnt be any punk as we know it

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I think her greatest impact on the Sheffield region, in the long term, was the deregulation of the buses, and the removal of subsidies


I will forever remember the Wicked Witch of the West for STEALING MY SCHOOL MILK and leaving a generation of schoolkids with rickets :rant:

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I will forever remember the Wicked Witch of the West for STEALING MY SCHOOL MILK and leaving a generation of schoolkids with rickets :rant:

im glad my school milk was stolen, horrible stinking warm stuff BLEURGH :gag:

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