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Margaret Thatcher Thread - Read the first post before posting

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I won't really be celebrating her death, but her demise from power was good. She was an evil leader who had no concerns for other people, as her closing the mines so she could use overseas child labour proves.


I think Hitler, Stalin, Amin, Trump etc are even more evil but that doesn't change my view that she was an evil woman. If she had been able to, she would probably have formed a dictatorship to save the UK from anyone who disagreed with her. Fortunately she didn't manage and she got overthrown.


It wasn't aimed just at you AB , I said "you all" meant for others who would be celebrating the death of a person


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 23:33 ----------


Did Maggie have her round for tea? She called her ex husband a terrorist and she'd have felt at home with some of the miscreants Thatcher enjoyed keeping company with.


Will you be celebrating her death?

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thats a description of the left in general, Mrs T was a great leader who taught those who could grasp it that hard work always triumphed over lazyness.:thumbsup:




Educated under an Evil Tory government, weren't you :nod:

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It wasn't aimed just at you AB , I said "you all" meant for others who would be celebrating the death of a person


---------- Post added 06-04-2018 at 23:33 ----------



Will you be celebrating her death?


No, she died alone in an hotel room surrounded by nobody. I've got standards hackey, they may not be very high but at least I've got some.

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As a skilled tradesman in the steel industry,I escaped the main brunt of her policies by emigrating in 1981, my 4th attempt at it. I had already seen what was to come and, in fact, had a taste of it when the British Steel strike was on. I was a contractor who worked in BSC plants a lot, fortunately, we had other clients too.I got out but most of my friends and family did not and many were financially and emotionally ruined by her devastation of the steel and mining industries. She was similar to Churchill, a warrior in international crises but a tyrant to the backbone of her Country, the working class.[/QUOTE]


Agree with that observation - she had a small town corner shop mentality - looked down her nose at the people who kept the business going.

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I knew that somewhere inside that stony exterior ,there was a good heart beating :thumbsup:

hahahahaha a raving right winger calling a lefty stoney :hihi: whos the ones with empathy again? :suspect:


---------- Post added 07-04-2018 at 10:01 ----------


She will never be forgotten, same as Blair, however try mentioning Major or Brown to the youngsters. Perhaps PM’s need a war in their portfolio in order to be remembered, Theresa could always invade Belgium I suppose. ;)

nah we're running away from Belgium, Russia looks more likely :P

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