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Is this Hayfever?

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It could be I have started sneezing a little today so I think its in the air but a little early for suffering it usually kicks off early May...Hay Fever believe me I'm a proffessional sufferer of it and it always starts with sneezing and runny eyes then it can (not always) turn into a cough but wheezing is also a part of it though I'm also an Asthmatic which comes hand in hand with Hay Fever...If you haven't had the other symptoms then it could be something else...

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If it's hay fever/ a reaction to tree pollen, then you have to be exposed to the pollen before you can react to it.


Grass doesn't even start growing until the temperature reaches 6'C.


I thought the temperature in Sheffield was 5 deg C or below?


How many trees/other plants are producing pollen at those temperatures?


What's the prevailing wind direction/strength?


Could it be industrial atmospheric pollution which is causing you problems?

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For the last few days I've being plagued with a wheezy cough, especially at night. Kind of phlegmy first thing in the morning too. Could this be hayfever?


A cough at night would not be caused by pollen. I have been known to have a reaction to house dust, Asthma. It could be just a chest infection.

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Simple way to test is to try taking antihistamine and see if the cough goes away.


Night time cough fits with allergy or asthma though unlikely without a history.


Do you cough after eating? Might be acid reflux - lying down sometimes increases reflux.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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