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Static shocks, anyone?

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It can be. But it also can be caused by the car being charged - it is on rubber wheels after all. If you get a belt after getting out of the car that can be the car discharging to ground through you, not you discharging to ground through the car... that's why you sometimes see those conductive rubber strips dangling from the back to attempt to keep the cars static down.

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I get it all year; thought it was static build up cause by the friction between me and my cloths, or me and the car seat, which is discharged when I touch a metal object which is earthed.


Yeah - could be something the OP is wearing - new shoes?


I started getting static shocks loads, I thought it was when I'd been using my laptop, but in the end we worked out it was being generated when sitting on a particular sofa (often using said laptop at the same time, but nothing to do with it).

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Well, I'm glad I read this. We've had our car for over a year now & no problems. For the past 2/3 weeks I've been getting static shocks off the passenger door & have taken to shutting it with my elbow or bum (whichever is convenient at the time). As far as my harvest festivals are concerned, that's between me & M & S, but not a nylon thread in evidence. Very odd.

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