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Anyone see psychic Sally?


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I do believe that there are talented gifted genuine clairvoyants who have a genuine connection to the spirit world and that at at times the spirits of loved ones passed do try and contact us to pass on messages and make sure we steer the correct path in our life ..:)


Great! I am one such genuine clairvoyant and I only charge £99 to pass on messages. If you are reading this John and Jane, I have a very important message from a loved one. Get in touch immediately. Have your £99 ready.

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Sally Morgan is likely no more psychic than I am. If she were, she'd be willing to prove it.




Take the time to read this article, which contains the following nugget:



"I started trawling YouTube to find other readings by Sally. Although I have watched several readings, so far I have only contacted one of the people who received a psychic reading from Sally. Unfortunately for Sally, the result was not very flattering in terms of her methods or her transparency. The clip concerns a group of free runners known as Urban Free Flow. One of the free runners is Ben Milner and he apparently experiences a stunning piece of mediumship just a few minutes into the clip.


"The clip shows Sally asking: "Why am I looking at your mum all the time, is there a problem with your mum?" Ben explains that she passed away last year. Sally gives Ben some advice, and then out of the blue she says: "Jean wants to send her love." This turns out to be the name of Ben's mother. He smiles, looks down, turns and walks away. Sally suggests that Ben is upset, and this certainly makes sense to anyone viewing the clip.


"However, when I spoke to Ben, he said the editing does not truly reflect his recollection of the sequence of events. According to Ben, the cameras stopped rolling before this part of the reading. He was ready to leave when Sally asked if the name Jean mean anything. Jean might have been a girlfriend, colleague, sister, cousin, next door neighbour, hairdresser … or mother … or nobody.


"A skeptic might suggest that Sally was throwing out a random name in the hope of a lucky response. In other words, she might have been on a small fishing expedition. By contrast, a believer might say that Sally was being guided by the spirit world.


"Ben explained, while the cameras were not rolling, that Jean was his mother's name and that she had died last year. Sally suggested that they start recording again, at which point we see her regurgitating the information as if it came from the spirit world. She does not hint that much of the information came from Ben off-camera. In fact, when Sally suggests that Ben is upset after he turns away, he told me he was actually grinning in partial disbelief at what had just happened."

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3 of us went to see her, we was right disappointed. we are always at the spiritualist church and have seen far far better there for free or a couple of quid to cover the cuppas at the end.


the late Sue Cunningham absolutely blinded Sally.


Good mediums usually know who they have got with them they don't need to ask "who is it you think we have here" to every single person.


and as for the love letters part, what a load of rubbish she didn't bring any kind of proof at all that she had spirit with her , she was more like a crappy agony aunt :|

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