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Tooth to be taken out. Do you think it hurts?

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It it's a rear tooth the injection goes in at the back of the mouth, in the web between the upper and lower gum. The flesh si thick and there is lots of room for the needle, it really doesn't hurt at all.


If you've never seen a dental needle as seems likely be aware it's very thin, nothing like ones user for drawing blood. It's fineness makes it much less disruptive and much less painful than having blood drawn.

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If you are having the tooth taken out, I am guessing it already hurts. Having the tooth taken out won't hurt nearly as much. The needle will sort of smart for a second but that is it. Make sure you keep your eyes shut!!!!


You will feel the anaesthetic start to wear off (it will feel really tingly/pins and needles), take some paracetamol at that point so that it kicks in by the time it completely wears off.



Yes do this....though I'd go for more of an overlap, you should be ok next day

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The one and only missing tooth I have was kicked out playing rugby when I was a lad,I once knocked my girlfriends tooth out when I was playing rounders she was stood at the back of me when I whent to hit the ball, I missed the ball and as I swung the bat round I accidently hit her in the mouth with the bat.

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