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Why is it acceptable for the left to resort to violence?

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Actually the rejoice comment was after combined British naval and special forces liberated South Georgia with no British casualties and only one dead Argentinian. But hey, let's not let facts get in the way of a rant?


Rant? You've obviously not seen one of my rants before. A rant is more than 3 or 4 lines surely?


I think the remark came after Thatcher was told that the 'White Ensign flies over Port Stanley' but you being so superior to me, I'll have to accept what you say. A bit like Thatcher's cabinet had to do whenever she said anything.

Right or wrong, she was always right.


Only one dead Argentinian? ................ That's alright then.


Just rejoice at that news.


I bet his mother did.


---------- Post added 14-04-2013 at 09:31 ----------


Yes no-one has answered this.


There was violence. It was from the left.[/b


There was violence. It was from the right.

Miner's strike 1984.

And before anyone starts, the Police were employed to stop the free movement of anyone (miner or not) in South Yorkshire, or North Nottinghamshire at that time.

Innocent fishermen going to the Trent to fish were beaten by the Police.


General Thatcher turned the military on to her own people.


Gadaffi and Hussain were (quite rightly) ripped to shreds in the Commons for their brutality.

When our Government does it, it's 'being strong'


Foreign Governments use rubber bullets against protestors, and our Government are the first to condemn their use and call for the removal of whatever leader it is.


Yet we used rubber bullets willy nilly in Northern Ireland.


We're also the first Government to sell rubber bullets to foreign nations.


Tories defend this by saying, "if we didn't sell them the bullets, someone else would"


---------- Post added 14-04-2013 at 09:40 ----------


I think you've missed the point.


Look at the pictures of people attacking the Police last week.


They think it is acceptable to be violent to justify their views on MT.


So once again - why is it acceptable for the left to resort to violence?


---------- Post added 13-04-2013 at 13:53 ----------



There are some 'highly educated' people on the left. Probably more educated than those who were educated during the Labour Government and have a degree in media production from the University of Lincoln.


But once again - attacking the Police? Drinking in public areas? Climbing onto property? Smashing shop windows?


I was in London a while back when there was a protest over some Government cut, and the damage to the shops and the area was just sickening. People from the left keep doing this because they seem to think it is acceptable.


The vast majority of Cameron's policies I find 'just sickening'.

Please tell me what I can do to not comply with them, or to get him to reverse his decision.


Sensible people try to keep the Tories out of power, but too many 'two bob millionaires' vote for them.


Even when the country does see sense, and vote someone in other than Tory, Thatcher's legacy means that just another slightly watered down Tory takes power.


We've had a continuous Tory Government since 1979, and look at the state we're in.

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The vast majority of Cameron's policies I find 'just sickening'.

Please tell me what I can do to not comply with them, or to get him to reverse his decision.



I think some people need to understand that this is not about the right and not about Millwall fans, and not about violence in general.


Last night violence again. People drinking in public, some brought their toddlers along to join in. Some were demonstrating and just being down right disrespectful, others were out on getting drunk and causing trouble.


BBC News interviewed one teenager holding a 'bottle of vodka water' and asked her why she was there if she didn't live under Thatcher. She had no response. She was there because it was an alcohol fueled party.


Now some of these people don't like the Thatcher's policies and don't like today's policies. But once again why do they think violence is acceptable? And how to they have the right to moan about a 'bedroom tax' when they are communicating with Blackberry's and iphones to organise alcohol fueled protests?

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I think some people need to understand that this is not about the right and not about Millwall fans, and not about violence in general.


Last night violence again. People drinking in public, some brought their toddlers along to join in. Some were demonstrating and just being down right disrespectful, others were out on getting drunk and causing trouble.


BBC News interviewed one teenager holding a 'bottle of vodka water' and asked her why she was there if she didn't live under Thatcher. She had no response. She was there because it was an alcohol fueled party.


Now some of these people don't like the Thatcher's policies and don't like today's policies. But once again why do they think violence is acceptable? And how to they have the right to moan about a 'bedroom tax' when they are communicating with Blackberry's and iphones to organise alcohol fueled protests?


What's wrong with drinking in public?

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I think some people need to understand that this is not about the right and not about Millwall fans, and not about violence in general.



Why not?


Why are you so selective in your condemnation of violence?


From your posts, it seems that you are in favour of violence by right wingers or by Millwall fans.


Is that a reasonable assumption?

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I think some people need to understand that this is not about the right and not about Millwall fans, and not about violence in general.


Last night violence again. People drinking in public, some brought their toddlers along to join in. Some were demonstrating and just being down right disrespectful, others were out on getting drunk and causing trouble.


BBC News interviewed one teenager holding a 'bottle of vodka water' and asked her why she was there if she didn't live under Thatcher. She had no response. She was there because it was an alcohol fueled party.


Now some of these people don't like the Thatcher's policies and don't like today's policies. But once again why do they think violence is acceptable? And how to they have the right to moan about a 'bedroom tax' when they are communicating with Blackberry's and iphones to organise alcohol fueled protests?


I think you need to understand that this country has an amazing history of radical politics and social protest and free-thinking. That our tradition of dissidence and disruption and disrespect is absolutely fundamental to the freedom that many of us take for granted right now.


That if it wasn't for 'the left' being downright rude we would barely have the vote.


And as for your final sentence, everyone has the right to moan about a bedroom tax, whether they're directly affected by it or otherwise. I could earn a million pounds a year and still think it's a disgusting policy targeting vulnerable people. Not everything in politics is about how it personally effects you. Structural oppression can be opposed from anywhere.

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What's wrong with drinking in public?



In most places open alcoholic drinks are not allowed.


---------- Post added 14-04-2013 at 18:21 ----------


Why not?


Why are you so selective in your condemnation of violence?


From your posts, it seems that you are in favour of violence by right wingers or by Millwall fans.


Is that a reasonable assumption?


Again you miss the point.


This is not about Millwall fans. Someone can start another thread for that. That is another issue.


But we have a group of people (the left) unhappy with policies past and present, who use violence.


Seems that you think it is acceptable.

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In most places open alcoholic drinks are not allowed.


That's incorrect. Besides, drinking, like eating (and occasionally sexual intercourse) is often better outdoors.


---------- Post added 14-04-2013 at 18:23 ----------



But we have a group of people (the left) unhappy with policies past and present, who use violence.


Seems that you think it is acceptable.


Change the record sunshine. This is tedious.

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I think you need to understand that this country has an amazing history of radical politics and social protest and free-thinking. That our tradition of dissidence and disruption and disrespect is absolutely fundamental to the freedom that many of us take for granted right now.


That if it wasn't for 'the left' being downright rude we would barely have the vote.


And as for your final sentence, everyone has the right to moan about a bedroom tax, whether they're directly affected by it or otherwise. I could earn a million pounds a year and still think it's a disgusting policy targeting vulnerable people. Not everything in politics is about how it personally effects you. Structural oppression can be opposed from anywhere.


Another one defending alcohol fueled violence.


There is a peaceful protest in a democratic society, and there is a protest which attacks the Police. Clearly you think the 'left being rude' is acceptable. Sums up this thread really, as it has highlighted some of the 'rude' left wing individuals on this forum.


---------- Post added 14-04-2013 at 18:27 ----------


That's incorrect. Besides drinking, like eating (and occasionally sexual intercourse) is often better outdoors.[


You can't bring your own drinks to Trafalgar Square.


Many did, and many ended up fighting Police, arrests were made.

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