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Why is it acceptable for the left to resort to violence?

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I'm sorry I thought this was a place for an intelligent discussion.


Clear that I am not going to find it here.


Seems to many of you that the violence last night is acceptable.


So you are saying you support mustard gas attacks on innocent civilians? I notice you haven't condemned it!

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I think you miss the point.


A lot of people out last night were holding banners about the bedroom tax etc.


Why is it acceptable for them to cause violence?


I don't think that you have a point.


A few rent-a-mobs were out causing trouble last night.


Some people, not blessed with an analytical mind, have equated this with the entire UK political left.


The link I posted contained a load of right wing activists attacking the police. Does that mean that everyone with right wing sympathies is a violent thug?


Or is it just violent thugs, that are violent thugs?

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We constantly hear about the complaints against bedroom tax, millionaire's tax cut, benefits etc etc.


But why is it acceptable for the left, those who are calling for changes, to be violent, rude and down right disrespectful?


Hasn't this always been the case, going back to the miner's strikes? We will get what we want, or we will fight and be violent until you give it to us?




What about the extremists of the Tory supporting Countryside Alliance?



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Your story is one story of initiation, which happens in numerous clubs up and down the land. Clubs which will have members of the left and members of the right.


Do they get drunk? Maybe, but there again there are violent drunks on the streets most weekends.


You have a case last night of people attacking the Police. The Police! A tax payer funded service, which cost a fortune last night because left wing idiots wanted an excuse to cause some trouble.


What happened last night was disgraceful. Regardless of what people think of MT, she was someone's mother and how some people have rejoiced in her death is quite sickening.


We were told to rejoice by Thatcher when we entered Port Stanley in 1982.

Hundreds died.

That's what I call sickening.

I disliked Thatcher, and still dislike her party with a passion.

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We were told to rejoice by Thatcher when we entered Port Stanley in 1982.

Hundreds died.

That's what I call sickening.

I disliked Thatcher, and still dislike her party with a passion.


Actually the rejoice comment was after combined British naval and special forces liberated South Georgia with no British casualties and only one dead Argentinian. But hey, let's not let facts get in the way of a rant?

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I'm sorry I thought this was a place for an intelligent discussion.


Clear that I am not going to find it here.


Seems to many of you that the violence last night is acceptable.


Based on some of the abuse thrown around on here, I imagine some of the members would gladly thump anyone that disagrees with them.

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