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Government now waging war on Countryside families

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So only when it serves to have a go at the government then. When people in the countryside wanted to carry on hunting they were the scum of the earth for Sheffield labourites.


Well it's choosing your battles and choosing your enemies. For a long time the Conservatives have been seen as the party of the Countryside set, pro fox hunting etc pro farmers etc but when it suits them (eg getting High Speed Trains through rural villages and estates) they can turn the tables and claim to be the party of the urban North, providing jobs and investment whilst identifying opponents as high brow, toffee nosed upper class Nimbys

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It's a pity Maggie isn't still in power she wouldn't have allowed it to happen.

Although i didn't think we were under Tory government, has something changed recently?


Indeed I think the only 3 unions Mrs Thatcher was in favour of was

The NFU (national farmers union)

The Union of United Kingdom

and the Solidarity Union in Poland

Oh yes she liked the UDM too

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So only when it serves to have a go at the government then. When people in the countryside wanted to carry on hunting they were the scum of the earth for Sheffield labourites.


The police long thought that they were special and were the pet of the Tory party - that is until the Tories realised that now they've done the Government's dirty work in smashing the unions.

Now the police are being attacked as avested interest and are soon gonna be shafted.

What goes around comes around.

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Don't know about you but I care about all people who are being attacked by these unelected dictators.


Unelected Dictators is one of the best descriptions posted about the Cons, may I ad my bit, Saboteurs, because they making a good job of Sabotaging this country.:suspect:

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Unelected Dictators is one of the best descriptions posted about the Cons, may I ad my bit, Saboteurs, because they making a good job of Sabotaging this country.:suspect:


Unelected dictators ? Was there a war or military coup I missed ? I thought it was a coalition (that loads of other countries have), is perfectly democratic (although not ideal) and legal. You get to have another vote in a couple of years. Would it be ok if that turned out to be a labour led coalition ?

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