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Louvre closes after staff walk out because of pickpockets

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Do you have a link to the original report then?


No I watched it live. Google is everyone's friend though. Though maybe not those desperately hoping it's bankers from Surrey and their kids committing these violent thefts and not the Roma gypsies that are actually doing them.

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No I watched it live. Google is everyone's friend though. Though maybe not those desperately hoping it's bankers from Surrey and their kids committing these violent thefts and not the Roma gypsies that are actually doing them.


I've had a look but can't see anything. I have no problem accepting the facts if they are from a credible source.

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The "rubbish" came from France Deux, the French version of the BBC. They're a lot less terrified about reporting offenders nationality than the beeb though.


The Beeb aren't the only ones to demonstrate a marked reluctance to 'name and shame'.


My neighbour (whein I lived in the Kraichgau) who was himself a Romanian drew to my attention a robbery which had been carried out in the local area.


3 males aged between 25 and 30 robbed a garage and managed to get away with a significant amount of money. The Police (along with a lot of other people) had a pretty good idea who had done it, but nobody dared say so.


The local paper carried a report which said: "The XXXXX garge was robbed by 3 males who were believed to be in possession of Romanian passports."


You wouldn't want anybody to think you were racist now, would you?

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There have been gangs of Roma operating in Paris for many years. I don't think that anyone needs a link, just a Eurostar ticket.


Pretty big over reaction from the Louvre staff though. No great loss anyway, it isn't even the second best art gallery in Paris.

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If you go to the feed on france2.fr then the actualite section should still have the video report.


Can't get it to work but did find this -


The Louvre employees “are fed up,” Christelle Guyader of the SUD trade union said. “They sometimes come to work in fear because they are confronted with organized gangs of increasingly aggressive pickpockets, including minors, who enter the museum free of charge and who come back a few days later, even when the police question them.”


She did not specify whether the suspected thieves are French or from other ethnic communities on whom Western Europeans often blame petty crime of this sort, such as the Roma. The liberal-leaning daily Libération said they were "minors from Eastern Europe." Another Parisian newspaper, Le Figaro, reported that these are the same pickpockets who prey on visitors at other famous sites in the city including the Nôtre Dame cathedral and the Eiffel tower.


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Mike, as others have pointed out they are Roma gypsies and independent of "links" anyone who visits Paris knows this. Not racist to accept facts mate.


I don't deny that there could very well be, I would just like to see a little evidence. All I have seen so far is that no credible source has clearly stated a Roma connection to the Louvre walkout. Therefore, my position is - might be, might not be - as I haven't seen enough evidence to make up my mind.


I didn't mention racism. It would not be racist in any way to state that some Roma are responsible if they are genuinely responsible and I would have no problem whatsoever with that. To assume they are responsible without evidence or to claim that the behaviour of some is somehow related to all would be an entirely different kettle of prejudice and bigotry.


I will happily accept facts if they are shown to be so.

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I don't deny that there could very well be, I would just like to see a little evidence. All I have seen so far is that no credible source has clearly stated a Roma connection to the Louvre walkout. Therefore, my position is - might be, might not be - as I haven't seen enough evidence to make up my mind.


I didn't mention racism.


In the absence of you taking my word on what i saw on france2 as credible We'll see what transpires in the media as proof you find acceptable of what we actually both know to be true but you're reserving judgement on to seem "fair" even though you know it is Roma doing it.

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In the absence of you taking my word on what i saw on france2 as credible We'll see what transpires in the media as proof you find acceptable of what we actually both know to be true but you're reserving judgement on to seem "fair" even though you know it is Roma doing it.


Sadly Andy, you have proven yourself to be anything other than a credible source of information relating to foreigners, so you will have to forgive me if I do not take your word for it.


As I have already said I don't know that it is down to some Roma but I certainly don't rule it out.


You seem to be confusing seeming fair with being fair. Trust me, if I find credible evidence of a Roma connection I'll post it straight away.

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