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Fascism, is it really that bad

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Describe a fascist dictatorship.


Tell me that they don't suppress (often murder) minorities and any opposition backward peter - name a fascist regime that allowed the same free transmission of ideas or oppossition to the government to anything like the extent we have here. When did any allow free elections?

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If it winds you up for me to reply, reply I will.


You need to be a lot more scientific than using a dictionary quotation. Whole books have been written on the subject. A couple of sentences doesn't sum up the subject.


Your definition is inadequate in that it leaves a lot out. Film on telly last week showed a lot of clips of Tory Party conferences of the 80s - hysteria, flag-waving, abolishing democratically elected councils, etc. - but as bad as Maggie was she wasn't a fascist.


One thing you left out was the presence of a vanguard party and the Fuhrerprinzip. Ethnocentricity too. Revolutionary national renewal also. The military dictatorships you quote did not have these.


You also have ignored the fact that Franco kept Spain neutral during World War II. Why would he did that if he were part of fascist axis? He merged the fascist Falange with the Carlists and kept fascists out of his administration.


The mistake you make is to believe that all right wing nationalistic authoritarian regimes are fascist. They're not. Go to the library and educate yourself about political differences. You may get rid of your simplistic black and white beliefs.


Why is your tone so unpleasant? Why do you find it so difficult to engage in an exchange of views without resorting to such insulting and demeaning language? You really should try to express yourself in a congenial and attractive manner. Beware dispepsia.

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Why is your tone so unpleasant? Why do you find it so difficult to engage in an exchange of views without resorting to such insulting and demeaning language? You really should try to express yourself in a congenial and attractive manner. Beware dispepsia.


You give yourself away. His language was really quite measured.

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Tell me that they don't suppress (often murder) minorities and any opposition backward peter - name a fascist regime that allowed the same free transmission of ideas or oppossition to the government to anything like the extent we have here. When did any allow free elections?


I presume by your attempt at an insult you are clueless.

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Why is your tone so unpleasant? Why do you find it so difficult to engage in an exchange of views without resorting to such insulting and demeaning language? You really should try to express yourself in a congenial and attractive manner. Beware dispepsia.


What's indigestion got to do with anything?

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You're the one who was asked for a description.


Oooh - we all have to answer to you now do we?


There have been plenty given on this thread along the lines of a totalitarian regime that actively oppress opposition / minorities - often by violence / murder, that it actively controls the press and other means of communication, that ir=t doesn't allow elections. Any problems with those?


I note in an earlier post you linked to some paranoid nonsense that seems to say we are close to a fascist regime at the moment. Are you confused or something?

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