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Fascism, is it really that bad

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Didn't communist countries have alot of police checks, gulags etc ? Can communism and fascism co-exist? Is it essentially the same thing ?


The militaristic class system that is present in fascism would seem to be one of the biggest clashes with communism I would suspect...


Private ownership of industry, goods, property is also encouraged in fascism, which again is very different from communism.

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obviously, we do have a free press, otherwise you would not have been able to write what you have just written.


[a] Sheffield Forum is not part of the press.


Free Press definition

If a country has a free press, its newspapers, magazines, and television and radio stations are able to express any opinions they want, even if these criticize the government and other organizations

[Cambridge Dictionaries Online]



Sheffield Forum is a privately run site which reserves the right to delete posts that contravene its rules and/or to ban members who break those rules.


This is perfectly within their right although it does mean that people are not "able to express any opinions they want".


If they were, there would be about a dozen variations on the "Muslims are bad" thread running for a start. And about the same number on "Thatcher".


The forum would very quickly become a shambles.

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[a] Sheffield Forum is not part of the press.



[Cambridge Dictionaries Online]



Sheffield Forum is a privately run site which reserves the right to delete posts that contravene its rules and/or to ban members who break those rules.


This is perfectly within their right although it does mean that people are not "able to express any opinions they want".


If they were, there would be about a dozen variations on the "Muslims are bad" thread running for a start. And about the same number on "Thatcher".


The forum would very quickly become a shambles.


there normally is, seems to be a quiet week for the Muslims is badder brigade

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Didn't communist countries have alot of police checks, gulags etc ? Can communism and fascism co-exist? Is it essentially the same thing ?


Authoritarian states have a lot of police checks, gulags, etc.

The state's government may be monarchical (e.g. Napoleon III, Kim il whatsit), fascist, communist, theocratic (Spanish Inquisition, Taliban, anyone?).


In their purest ideology, Fascism says we should all unite for the good of our country, while Communism says we should all unite to create a state where everyone is equal.

Sadly, when anyone tries to run a state by these ideals, somebody disrupts it, and out come the police and the gulags, to try and enforce the Leader's vision.

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[a] Sheffield Forum is not part of the press.


No one should criticise this forum, it does allow more freedom than any letter to the press.

There are often many things that are not allowed due to flawed interpretations of the law, but blogs are very easy to start for anyone wishing to go beyond good taste, but most people dont want to read it.

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Not quite sure whether Myanmar is Fascist or totalitarian, it says it is socialist, it clearly was not while I was there.


It seems to me that Fascism is a natural state for mankind. It certainly has been the predominant one since the beginning of time.


Democracy, it seems to me, is a preferred state and shows advancement albeit messy.


I find it alarming that in the UK so few people vote and get involved in politics. If those who live under democracy and enjoy its freedoms do not participate and respect its freedoms it wont be long before the Fascist or totalitarian state takes over.

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One of the reasons so few people bother to vote in Britain is the voting system itself. It is constructed in such a ridiculous fashion that no party since the War has managed to obtain 50% of the votes cast. Despite this, several parties have managed overwhelming majorities & been able to enact whatever policies they wished.

This will not change because it suits the politicians elected under the present system.

I do have an interest in politics but I no longer bother to vote. I have lived in my present home for 31 years & the same party has been returned in every General Election over that period. My vote doesn't count & I'm not interest in 'going through the motions' for the sake of it.

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The militaristic class system that is present in fascism would seem to be one of the biggest clashes with communism I would suspect...


Private ownership of industry, goods, property is also encouraged in fascism, which again is very different from communism.


I don't think that Fascism has any particular doctrine in terms of capitalism/communism, although they tend to be more free market. It's just not a key part of the doctrine.


Surely the key aspect of fascism is the "all for one approach" where everyone is expected to be part of the system. It doesn't tolerate an effective (or in any way "free") opposition. This applies just as much to Communist China (ie the Mao years and soon afterwards), the old USSR, Cuba, Myanmar, as it does to Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy and Franco's Spain.

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One of the reasons so few people bother to vote in Britain is the voting system itself. It is constructed in such a ridiculous fashion that no party since the War has managed to obtain 50% of the votes cast. Despite this, several parties have managed overwhelming majorities & been able to enact whatever policies they wished.

This will not change because it suits the politicians elected under the present system.

I do have an interest in politics but I no longer bother to vote. I have lived in my present home for 31 years & the same party has been returned in every General Election over that period. My vote doesn't count & I'm not interest in 'going through the motions' for the sake of it.


Thank you for this post!

When we first came to Australia, I was dubious of the compulsory voting here.

Having read many posts like yours, I now support compulsory voting.

Maybe if Britons voted to adopt our single transferable vote, you might get more satisfaction.


WE also have a vgote in an Upper House election, our Senate.

While the Lower House constituencies, as you say, rarely change sides, the Senate vote is for 10 senators for each State (actually 5 at a time normally, as they sit for 2 terms and "overlap". It's possible for a minority party to hold the "balance of power" in the Senate, which encourages the not-Labour/not-Conservative electors to form a party for their beliefs.

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