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Blair's Public warnings to Miliband

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The likes of Campbell talk about a party needing to hold the center ground to win, but are people views changing, and is Tony Blair keeping up?

We have the Greens, very much to the laft, gaining their first MP. So a move towards more socialist type policies might be the right move.


I've had a crap day, but that post has given me a giggle. One mp after how many years ? And, if I recall correctly, she's giving up at the end if her term. We are tilting to the right and I reckon ukip might bag a seat or two.


We might get a more polarised country - but I don't think we'll get a more polarised parliment. Nobody has the conkers for some new (not neccessarily hard left or right - just new) ideas.

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Blair knew how to win elections. It's clear he thinks that Miliband's best chance is to just sit there and not try to make out, like Blair himself did so successfully, that he wants to take the country in any New Direction. Difference is that the current government has only been around for not that many more months, than the governments Blair was trying to replace, had been around for years. If you're going to strangle them at birth, after only one parliament, don't do anything drastic. Let them strangle themselves. Maybe Blair is a bit concerned that Miliband's relative inexperience might embolden him to take a fork in the road it is not in the best interest for the Labour party to take - provided of course, Miliband actually wants himself and his party, to attempt to govern this country after the next election.

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