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People using mobiles while paying for their shopping

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I get really annoyed when I am waiting to pay for my shopping & some nut is talking on their mobile whilst paying for their goods. How on earth can they be concentrating on what they are doing while " gabbing " on the phone .It is so ignorant. When I was on holiday last year in Cornwall ,a shop I went into had a sign saying " No use of mobile phones whilst paying for your goods " .Good on them I say

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i couldnt agree more, i often serve people that cant be bothered to aknowledge me because they are talking on the phone, i find it ignorant and rude, they hear nothing im saying to them or i get 'what' over and over again, not to mention as you say it can hold up people behind them, so to those out there that do this, theres a time and place to make or receive your call and when someone is serving you isnt an appropriate time, have the decency to at least speak to the person who's helping you, we arent robots we're people

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I know I couldn't have a conversation on the phone, pack and pay for my shopping as well as keep and eye on the kids at the checkout. Mine are not the ones running around screaming but that's because I'm paying attention. Not talking on the phone and ignoring them! Reception is shocking in supermarkets anyway :P

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I don't see the difference between this and chatting to someone your with while paying.


if they are chatting to another person who is actually stood there you can interact with both people , its a little different than being totally ignored while they talk on the phone, iv had people 'tell me off' because they wanted me to let them know when they reach a certain amount for instance, but they didnt ask me this beforehand as they were so preoccupied on the phone and assume im psychic and should have just known what they wanted, their shopping is piling up at the end because they cant pack effectively with one hand and they seem immune to the comments and tuts etc from other people in the queue, would they find it acceptable for me to be chatting on the phone as im serving them? i doubt it nor would i do it because its being rude

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Barleycorn ,I sense you may be exactly the type of person I am talking about .Do you do this by any chance. As for the other comment from the other poster ,I do find in the majority of cases that people chatting to others whilst paying do seem to acknowledge the person serving them at some point

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Talking and paying for something at the same time should not require a great deal of concentration. Anyone incapable of doing both of these things together should perhaps not be leaving the house without their carer.




the point isnt that someone is unable to do both, the point is it is rude to do it and ignore the person who is serving you and trying to speak to you

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