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People on benefits.

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How come all of a sudden everybody is hating dolies?


Its like everybody is angry at us because some douchebag did a really bad thing for extra benefits. Does that mean if somebody with a job killed someone else it wouldnt matter because they are working?


Im just wondering what people think about this and hope it doesnt cause arguments!


Just want to no why some people are so narrow minded and cant put themselfs in others shoes.



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How come all of a sudden everybody is hating dolies?


Its like everybody is angry at us because some douchebag did a really bad thing for extra benefits. Does that mean if somebody with a job killed someone else it wouldnt matter because they are working?


Im just wondering what people think about this and hope it doesnt cause arguments!


Just want to no why some people are so narrow minded and cant put themselfs in others shoes.




It's been that way for a long time, good news though, it isn't everybody.

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Good point.


Right now its been pointed out that thatcher's policies condemned folk to unemployment and a life on benefits.


That's not your fault. It's the reality of an uncaring society where the poor are targetted as being the problem. Unfortunately, this has never been corrected by any government since hers.


Then again who voted Tory / lib Dem? It wasn't all southerners or well off middle classes.


Those who voted these scum bags in must take the blame.


A life on benefits is something that no one would want as it is a fact ther eis so much more to life with a well paid job and all that it enables by way of improved quality of life and standard of living.


Benfits allows only for subsistance. Hence the deluded mouth piece that is the out of touch Ian Duncan Smith claims he can live on £50 something quid aweek

'if he had to.'


Because he doesn't have to, he won't be doing so any time soon. Neither will any of the other Con-Dems who lecture you and decide your fate.


Let's not forget good old Nick in all this - multi millionnaire - look what he's done for the poor of Sheffield. Sold his house on Stumperlowe [that's Fulwood] as even there he felt too close to the 'benefit scroungers.'


The only chance for hope is a Labour Government. That equates with no chance of anything ever getting any better any time soon.

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It's been that way for a long time, good news though, it isn't everybody.


It works me up that lots of people with jobs think all of thier money goes on paying dole. Its far from it only 3% of tax money goes to job seekers the rest is for oap's be we get all the abuse for it!

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Before everyone jumps on my back, I should point out that I don't claim any benefits:


Now, I think the reason behind the hatred is down to a few things:

  • The very attractive welfare system of recent times that attracted immigrants.
  • A lot of people on benefits bring it on themselves, such as the I can get more on benefits than I can from working so **** working.
  • The green eyed monster, see above.
  • Stereotyping, such as 'chavs', teens having kids for a council flat etc. Doesn't really do much to help the attitude towards people that have genuinely lost their jobs and are working hard to find another. Even the job centre staff have all of these attitudes which is why I quit working there.


---------- Post added 12-04-2013 at 15:44 ----------


The only chance for hope is a Labour Government. That equates with no chance of anything ever getting any better any time soon.


I can't say I rate Labour in any way whatsoever but at least they are in favour of the working class. Real people with public educations that have lived in the real world. Ok will never make the UK rich again but at least with them we really will all be in it together.

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Good point.


Right now its been pointed out that thatcher's policies condemned folk to unemployment and a life on benefits.


That's not your fault. It's the reality of an uncaring society where the poor are targetted as being the problem. Unfortunately, this has never been corrected by any government since hers.


Then again who voted Tory / lib Dem? It wasn't all southerners or well off middle classes.


Those who voted these scum bags in must take the blame.


A life on benefits is something that no one would want as it is a fact ther eis so much more to life with a well paid job and all that it enables by way of improved quality of life and standard of living.


Benfits allows only for subsistance. Hence the deluded mouth piece that is the out of touch Ian Duncan Smith claims he can live on £50 something quid aweek (quote) 'if he had to.'


Because he doesn't have to, he won't be doing so any time soon. Neither will any of the other Con-Dems who lecture you and decide your fate.


Let's not forget good old Nick in all this - multi millionnaire - look what he's done for the poor of Sheffield. Sold his house on Stumperlowe [that's Fulwood] as even there he felt too close to the 'benefit scroungers.'


The only chance for hope is a Labour Government. That equates with no chance of anything ever getting any better any time soon.


Life would deffinatly be better with a well paid job but its not as easy as that to get one. We all get put in the same catogary for a lazy scrounger who just wants live with free money. But were not all like that!


£50 Isnt the best to be living on but im damn gratefull for it and gettin sick and tired of having people judge me for somthing i cant controll :(


---------- Post added 12-04-2013 at 15:53 ----------


Before everyone jumps on my back, I should point out that I don't claim any benefits:


Now, I think the reason behind the hatred is down to a few things:

  • The very attractive welfare system of recent times that attracted immigrants.
  • A lot of people on benefits bring it on themselves, such as the I can get more on benefits than I can from working so **** working.
  • The green eyed monster, see above.
  • Stereotyping, such as 'chavs', teens having kids for a council flat etc. Doesn't really do much to help the attitude towards people that have genuinely lost their jobs and are working hard to find another. Even the job centre staff have all of these attitudes which is why I quit working there.


I agree people take advantage of the system but as long as people are hating them for it they will just keep doing it.

Alot of people who have never worked because they go straight on benefits wont see the posative to working I wish i was working I really do because it beats having nothing to do and never being able to go out and do things all my friends are doing.

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Good point.


Right now its been pointed out that thatcher's policies condemned folk to unemployment and a life on benefits.


That's not your fault. It's the reality of an uncaring society where the poor are targetted as being the problem. Unfortunately, this has never been corrected by any government since hers.


Then again who voted Tory / lib Dem? It wasn't all southerners or well off middle classes.


Those who voted these scum bags in must take the blame.


A life on benefits is something that no one would want as it is a fact ther eis so much more to life with a well paid job and all that it enables by way of improved quality of life and standard of living.


Benfits allows only for subsistance. Hence the deluded mouth piece that is the out of touch Ian Duncan Smith claims he can live on £50 something quid aweek (quote] 'if he had to.'


Because he doesn't have to, he won't be doing so any time soon. Neither will any of the other Con-Dems who lecture you and decide your fate.


Let's not forget good old Nick in all this - multi millionnaire - look what he's done for the poor of Sheffield. Sold his house on Stumperlowe [that's Fulwood] as even there he felt too close to the 'benefit scroungers.'


The only chance for hope is a Labour Government. That equates with no chance of anything ever getting any better any time soon.


We had a Labout government for 13 years or did you miss that bit.

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How come all of a sudden everybody is hating dolies?


Its like everybody is angry at us because some douchebag did a really bad thing for extra benefits. Does that mean if somebody with a job killed someone else it wouldnt matter because they are working?


Im just wondering what people think about this and hope it doesnt cause arguments!


Just want to no why some people are so narrow minded and cant put themselfs in others shoes.




Its the usual Tory rhetoric, nothing changes; as they have to blame someone in an effort to role back the state, in the 1980s it was single parents - at least they are giving them a rest this time around. I have heard all before :suspect:. Same old rubbbish!

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Good point.


The only chance for hope is a Labour Government. That equates with no chance of anything ever getting any better any time soon.


I couldn't be bothered to answer you other comments, misguided as they are.


But the last one - priceless.


Thatcher arrived in office when the country was being bled dry and held to ransom by strike after strike after strike (by militant who were only elected by their members, yet whose action affected the entire country, men, women and children).


Unemployment was running a 1.4/1.5 million (a figure that doubled at one point during her terms in office), a result of Labour govt policies.


There was pain, felt by many, during her tenure, but let's not get all rose-tinted and romantic about it - it was equally as painful prior to her becoming PM (in fact, it was probaly more so) and it was well on the way to painful times ahead before she became PM.


Now, skip forward to 2010 - a Labour govt leaves office with country with the highest budget deficit since WWII. And, don't forget, when we talk about govt money, we are talking about the tax revenue levied on every working person.


So, the great and good Labour govt policy was to take our money and blow it away, leaving the country with an unsustainable debt.


We are fortunate we are not Ireland, or Greece or now Cyprus (Portugal, Spain etc.,) We retain control over our finances. We do not have the EU (Germany and France) bailing us out with even more harsh conditions than we are currently enduring. You think we have it tough now, ask a Greek what 'tough' is.


We have a govt now that can make decisions about the destiny of this country (whether they do so or not or whether they do what you agree with is another matter) - the Greek govt, for what they are worth, are at the bidding of the EU; they have no control. They are told to cut more and more or they get no funds from the EU.


I say, vote Labour back in, especially as one of the architect's of the huge deficit is Shadow Chancellor, and let them finish the job. Force GB to go to the EU, cap in hand, and let them dictate how painful the cuts have to be.


---------- Post added 12-04-2013 at 16:21 ----------


Good point.


Right now its been pointed out that thatcher's policies condemned folk to unemployment and a life on benefits.


That's not your fault. It's the reality of an uncaring society where the poor are targetted as being the problem. Unfortunately, this has never been corrected by any government since hers.


Then again who voted Tory / lib Dem? It wasn't all southerners or well off middle classes.


Those who voted these scum bags in must take the blame.


A life on benefits is something that no one would want as it is a fact ther eis so much more to life with a well paid job and all that it enables by way of improved quality of life and standard of living.


Benfits allows only for subsistance. Hence the deluded mouth piece that is the out of touch Ian Duncan Smith claims he can live on £50 something quid aweek


We had a Labout government for 13 years or did you miss that bit.


He's probably only 14!

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