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People on benefits.

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Its the usual Tory rhetoric, nothing changes; as they have to blame someone in an effort to role back the state, in the 1980s it was single parents - at least they are giving them a rest this time around. I have heard all before :suspect:. Same old rubbbish!


Its not fair to blame someone for somthing that isnt their own fault, I understand lots of people are work shy and dont want to work but that doesnt mean everybody is the same.

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hi, i work 6-7 days a week to support my family and do not claim benefits,

i feel for you BECKALAR as it can't be nice living on benefits , chin up love the recession will come to a end and more jobs created


---------- Post added 12-04-2013 at 16:37 ----------


Its not fair to blame someone for somthing that isnt their own fault, I understand lots of people are work shy and dont want to work but that doesnt mean everybody is the same.


hi, i work 6-7 days a week to support my family and do not claim benefits,

i feel for you BECKALAR as it can't be nice living on benefits , chin up love the recession will come to a end and more jobs created

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hi, i work 6-7 days a week to support my family and do not claim benefits,

i feel for you BECKALAR as it can't be nice living on benefits , chin up love the recession will come to a end and more jobs created


---------- Post added 12-04-2013 at 16:37 ----------



hi, i work 6-7 days a week to support my family and do not claim benefits,

i feel for you BECKALAR as it can't be nice living on benefits , chin up love the recession will come to a end and more jobs created


Thanks mjhal, that deserves a dancing bannana! :banana:

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The kind of stereotyping that has been propagated in the media and by the condems is frankly nothing more than a smokescreen to deflect attention from the transference of public assets and revenue into the hands of a relatively small bunch of very grubby individuals.


Whilst the tabloid tories sneer at, and hate people less fortunate than themselves, they themselves are getting fleeced but fail to understand the situation - look up confirmation bias as a form of propaganda.


It's sad that so many people can be so hateful, ignorant and gullible all at the same time.

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Good point.


Right now its been pointed out that thatcher's policies condemned folk to unemployment and a life on benefits.


That's not your fault. It's the reality of an uncaring society where the poor are targetted as being the problem. Unfortunately, this has never been corrected by any government since hers.


Then again who voted Tory / lib Dem? It wasn't all southerners or well off middle classes.


Those who voted these scum bags in must take the blame.


A life on benefits is something that no one would want as it is a fact ther eis so much more to life with a well paid job and all that it enables by way of improved quality of life and standard of living.


Benfits allows only for subsistance. Hence the deluded mouth piece that is the out of touch Ian Duncan Smith claims he can live on £50 something quid aweek


We had a Labout government for 13 years or did you miss that bit.


And were all paying the price!!

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Dole accounts for 5% of total welfare budget, pensions account for 45%, so are we all going to stop blaming those on the dole and have a go at pensioners?, if peo0le are going to have a go, at least be aware of the full facts first!!!

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Dole accounts for 5% of total welfare budget, pensions account for 45%, so are we all going to stop blaming those on the dole and have a go at pensioners?, if peo0le are going to have a go, at least be aware of the full facts first!!!


Well why should People have a go at us just because were not old? Do you work or are you signing on?

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