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People on benefits.

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Thats great. and I really mean that, you must have the exact skills the employers were looking for. And the experience as well, but for the younger people I can see how employers are very sceptical about taking a chance on them.

As for myself and people like me with health considerations, the employers do tend to run away at great speed when you mention medication!. it must be a insurance issue.

and the fact that the only thing I can look forward to is sitting in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.. but hey ho you have to keep going don't you?


I am sorry you require medication and are confined in the way you describe. I have always enjoyed good health and cannot therefore comment on people in your predicament. May I wish you all fulfillment and happiness no matter which way life takes you.

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Its so hard to get a job because there arnt any! Also you need experience and wont have much luck without it but cant get it as nobody will employ you without it.


Another way of looking at it is that your skills/experience has to be at least worth the minimum wage to an employer or you won't be employable.

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Its so hard to get a job because there arnt any! Also you need experience and wont have much luck without it but cant get it as nobody will employ you without it.


I already do voulntry work..


Im very happy for you and your income :clap:


While I don't hate people on the dole I think you're being a bit naive in a couple of ways.


Some people can't be bothered to work, my brother (who I love dearly) is one of them, he says why should he work when he gets more on the dole (overall) than if he had to get a job and pay tax and rent etc etc. Another one of his excuses is why should he work when other people play the system?


I disagree with my brother, I do not, however 'hate' him (or anyone else with his views).


The other thing is, as far as I can tell there are jobs. I know several people, of several ages and backgrounds who have come out of work recently, they all got jobs within three months, one even got one, lost it (contract was up) then got another a few days later.


These aren't all 'skilled' work, three of them were in retail, two in call centres, two as postpeople and one was a personal trainer.


Unless your in a position such as the one monkey described where you might be being discriminated against for a particular reason I can't really see any reason (other than pride and thinking a certain job is below you) why you can't get a job. If the job you go for doesn't pay enough, get two (I have), but I think it is wrong to say the jobs aren't there.


Anyway good luck with your search, I hope I didn't come across as negative because that wasn't my intention - I hope you find something soon and I hope you realise not everyone 'in' work hates those who aren't :)

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Thats great. and I really mean that, you must have the exact skills the employers were looking for. And the experience as well, but for the younger people I can see how employers are very sceptical about taking a chance on them.

As for myself and people like me with health considerations, the employers do tend to run away at great speed when you mention medication!. it must be a insurance issue.

and the fact that the only thing I can look forward to is sitting in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.. but hey ho you have to keep going don't you?


This is a very mundane and simple job requiring only common sense and a friendly attitude. I have no relevant skills, (I was a elephant trainer!).


Would it not be a good idea if employers were required by law to take on trainees? Employers would receive a tax break for the costs of employing them and when vacancies came up there would be a trained workforce waiting?


I realise this is simplistic but surely better than allowing young people to fester on the benefits. I think it would be cost nuetral.

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While I don't hate people on the dole I think you're being a bit naive in a couple of ways.


Some people can't be bothered to work, my brother (who I love dearly) is one of them, he says why should he work when he gets more on the dole (overall) than if he had to get a job and pay tax and rent etc etc. Another one of his excuses is why should he work when other people play the system?


I disagree with my brother, I do not, however 'hate' him (or anyone else with his views).


The other thing is, as far as I can tell there are jobs. I know several people, of several ages and backgrounds who have come out of work recently, they all got jobs within three months, one even got one, lost it (contract was up) then got another a few days later.


These aren't all 'skilled' work, three of them were in retail, two in call centres, two as postpeople and one was a personal trainer.


Unless your in a position such as the one monkey described where you might be being discriminated against for a particular reason I can't really see any reason (other than pride and thinking a certain job is below you) why you can't get a job. If the job you go for doesn't pay enough, get two (I have), but I think it is wrong to say the jobs aren't there.


Anyway good luck with your search, I hope I didn't come across as negative because that wasn't my intention - I hope you find something soon and I hope you realise not everyone 'in' work hates those who aren't :)


I no there are people out there who cant be bothered to work because of that reason. And I dont blame some of them because who would turn down free money if they would be better off? My situation is diffrent as i live with my mum.


But I can tell you there are not many jobs and the ones that I can do I dont get chosen for, thats not my fault I spend more time talking in interviews than I do my friends. I try hard and get nowhere and this puts me down and knocks my confidence!

It doesnt matter if its not skilled work if I have no experience in it why would someone take a chance employing me over someone whos done it before?


I dont think 'everybody' hates people on benefits but a lot of people do and what for? If they lost there job tomorrow and couldnt find another they would sign on. They would be stupid not to! So why do they have the right to make a judgement of someone they dont no. I wouldnt judge someone on the fact they have a job.


---------- Post added 12-04-2013 at 18:55 ----------


Another way of looking at it is that your skills/experience has to be at least worth the minimum wage to an employer or you won't be employable.


I do feel my skills make me employable but obviously employers dont :shakes:

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I no there are people out there who cant be bothered to work because of that reason. And I dont blame some of them because who would turn down free money if they would be better off? My situation is diffrent as i live with my mum.


But I can tell you there are not many jobs and the ones that I can do I dont get chosen for, thats not my fault I spend more time talking in interviews than I do my friends. I try hard and get nowhere and this puts me down and knocks my confidence!

It doesnt matter if its not skilled work if I have no experience in it why would someone take a chance employing me over someone whos done it before?


I dont think 'everybody' hates people on benefits but a lot of people do and what for? If they lost there job tomorrow and couldnt find another they would sign on. They would be stupid not to! So why do they have the right to make a judgement of someone they dont no. I wouldnt judge someone on the fact they have a job


Ok, I agree with most of this and do hope your fortunes change.


I did however reply to a post where you said there are no jobs and yet you've just told me you spend alot of time in interviews, so there are jobs out there but you're not getting them.


I'm not going to go further than that because I genuinely do wish you all the best, my point was to say there are jobs out there in response to your earlier post. I hope your circumstances change and you get taken on soon. Good luck.

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Ok, I agree with most of this and do hope your fortunes change.


I did however reply to a post where you said there are no jobs and yet you've just told me you spend alot of time in interviews, so there are jobs out there but you're not getting them.


I'm not going to go further than that because I genuinely do wish you all the best, my point was to say there are jobs out there in response to your earlier post. I hope your circumstances change and you get taken on soon. Good luck.


Ok well maybe I should of made myself more clear. There are no jobs for me is what I ment.


The whole point of this thread was because I find it very frustrating to be looking hard for work but get put into the same catogary as the people who really cant be bothered to work. By that I dont mean everybody but lots of people, I just dont want to be judged. Iv worked before and paid tax.


Thanks for the luck :)

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Ok well maybe I should of made myself more clear. There are no jobs for me is what I ment.


The whole point of this thread was because I find it very frustrating to be looking hard for work but get put into the same catogary as the people who really cant be bothered to work. By that I dont mean everybody but lots of people, I just dont want to be judged. Iv worked before and paid tax.


Thanks for the luck :)


No problem, and I'm clearer now so thanks for the explanation.


While I cannot help you find work I can take my hat off to you for being so determined to get it, I can't offer much advice other than try not to let the jobs you don't get pull you down, learn from them and look at what has been said (by both you and the interviewer).


Try (easier said than done) to be as natural as possible, talk to the interviewer as if you're a manager speaking to one of your workers, that is calm and authoritive but also respectfully - don't look at it as an interview but a task you're setting for someone who needs the instructions to be concise and clear.


When I have sat on panels before the one thing that annoyed the hell out of me was people 'bigging themselves up', be yourself, talk about yourself but don't be afraid to take yourself with a pinch of salt too - feel able to laugh at yourself.


Maybe you know all that, if you do sorry for rambling, if there's anything there that's of benefit I hope it works for you :)

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Good point.


Right now its been pointed out that thatcher's policies condemned folk to unemployment and a life on benefits.


That's not your fault. It's the reality of an uncaring society where the poor are targetted as being the problem. Unfortunately, this has never been corrected by any government since hers.


Then again who voted Tory / lib Dem? It wasn't all southerners or well off middle classes.


Those who voted these scum bags in must take the blame.


A life on benefits is something that no one would want as it is a fact ther eis so much more to life with a well paid job and all that it enables by way of improved quality of life and standard of living.


Benfits allows only for subsistance. Hence the deluded mouth piece that is the out of touch Ian Duncan Smith claims he can live on £50 something quid aweek

'if he had to.'


Because he doesn't have to, he won't be doing so any time soon. Neither will any of the other Con-Dems who lecture you and decide your fate.


Let's not forget good old Nick in all this - multi millionnaire - look what he's done for the poor of Sheffield. Sold his house on Stumperlowe [that's Fulwood] as even there he felt too close to the 'benefit scroungers.'


The only chance for hope is a Labour Government. That equates with no chance of anything ever getting any better any time soon.


Some good point. However, we do have a relatively good education system, but for some reason, people from poorer back grounds don't take advantage of this assential life line?


Sorry I can't provide links to evidence this, but im my experience, there's a lot of people, especially in Sheffield that just don't have the skills necessary to offer an employer to warrent them being employed, or on a salary to justify their skills.

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