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People on benefits.

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How come all of a sudden everybody is hating dolies?


Its like everybody is angry at us because some douchebag did a really bad thing for extra benefits. Does that mean if somebody with a job killed someone else it wouldnt matter because they are working?


Im just wondering what people think about this and hope it doesnt cause arguments!


Just want to no why some people are so narrow minded and cant put themselfs in others shoes.




Agendaism from the rightwing press and the fact most of the public are weak-minded and easily influenced and are looking for someone to blame for their own hardship. That's all you need to know

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For those who dream of being something they're not, here's your chance to fulfil your ambition and be like the gentry. Well almost....


Forget Super Mario, you can role play Boris, Dave, or George on 'Squeeze the Scrounger'!





Whose the swarthy looking one in the red pullover, David or Gideon? (I assume the blonde one in the middle sucking something is Boris Johnson).

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No-one was condemned to a life of unemployment by Thatcher. They just had to retrain, possibly relocate, and be open minded about what kind of work they were prepared to do. The ones that were stubborn and were waiting for the mine or factory to re-open, only had themselves to blame for their years of misery. Ditto those who opted for life on incapacity benefit on spurious grounds.


How wonderful to see the milk of human kindness alive and kicking in Sheffield.

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I know that there are people that don't want to work and stop on dole, but on SF I have never come across such a wide spectrum of hatred for any people on benefits.


Most people aren't on by choice, some lose jobs through redundancy, some ill health & are reliant on benefits, sadly I now am after 40 years working but I'm not idle. I've paid in but my health dictates that sadly I can no longer work, I'd work in a blink of an eye but cannot.

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'Squeeze the scrounger'.


Sounds like a board game for Christmas. Hours of fun vilifying those on benefits, those who can perpetrate the worse punishments, win. :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 11-10-2013 at 18:13 ----------


No-one was condemned to a life of unemployment by Thatcher. They just had to retrain, possibly relocate, and be open minded about what kind of work they were prepared to do. The ones that were stubborn and were waiting for the mine or factory to re-open, only had themselves to blame for their years of misery. Ditto those who opted for life on incapacity benefit on spurious grounds.


It's time the corporate fraudsters were held to account and named and shamed so we can remind ourselves who the real villains are who put the economy in the mess it's in.

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How wonderful to see the milk of human kindness alive and kicking in Sheffield.


Judging from many of Happ Hazards posts it seems that his milk of human kindness has dried up round the tit. I don't think anyone can be that sour all the time as HH often is on here....Perhaps in real life he's a charming and helpful person.

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