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Why did the Labour government close so many coal mines?

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Greengrocer might be underplaying it a bit. He owned several shops and was a director of a building society and a director of the Trustee Savings Bank.


Indeed. It's like saying Gideon Osborne's dad was a painter and decorator.


The humble grocer thing is all part of the myth.

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I know some folk around here like to carp on about Thatcher wrecking the mining industry, but having checked out the stats it appears that far more pits were closed when Harold Wilson was Prime Minister that when Thatcher was in no10. The rate of pit closures when Callaghan was PM was also higher.


So why the bias. Whilst the last Labour Government was in power more than half the mines in the UK closed and yet no one round here raises an eye brow about it.




I was wondering over the weekend how much of the loud protests were due to it being a woman interfering in a male industry?

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There never was any such thing as The British Coal board anyway.

There was the National Coal Board; then British Coal; and now the Coal Authority.


Some clarifications, it was the NCB, apologies.


The article also refers to the NCB taking over a furnace from the IEA at Grimethorpe.



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