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Ding Dong! The witch is dead song all discussion in here please

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I'd have to look, but their not the argument you're just sidetracking Thatcher is the subject, I didn't like Blair and just so sad we lost John Smith as he would have been possibly the greatest post war PM of any party.


It's not my opinion its fact she was stabbed in the back, and Clegg said that statement. So anyway no going to argue with you, I'm tired so going to rest now, you be happy you seem a nice enough person.


I said person as unsure if male or female, and made that mistake far too often :hihi:




"John Smith would possibly been the greatest PM of any party" What evidence have you for this assertion? Your intellectual meanderings on "what might have been" are quite sad.


Lord Halifax may have ended the second world war in 1940.


JFK would have avoided the Vietnam war.


Europe would have been one nation if Napoleon had won at Waterloo.


Pigs might fly.

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just in case anyone's wondering - I dropped my daughter off at school at about half 8 in her ding dong t shirt - she texted me at 8 45 saying she had agreed to swap it for the spare one.


very proud of her.


I was disappointed last evening, arrived at barkers pool at 6 30, but the do had already finished - had a few beers in the brown bear with some old mates and headed home. should've gone to goldthorpe - what a send off they put on.

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yes ya should frank we gave her a great send off ha ha


were you there terry? wish I'd been - was listening to that moron toby foster yesterday morning, apparently the party has ruined the chance of investment in goldthorpe! perhaps there were major international companies planning to build shiny skyscrapers and the population of goldthorpe were on the verge of bathing in champagne and lighting havannas with £50 notes.




goldthorpe. like many communities in northern england, wales and scotland was deliberately and callously destroyed and poverty was used as a weapon to punish them for their brave defiance.


that goldthorpe responded to her death with glee and hatred at the way they were treated fills me with hope and pride.


we won't see this again - enjoyed the last couple of weeks massively

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Morrissey has had more to say on the noble Baroness Torture's funeral


” On the day that nine British citizens are arrested in Trafalgar Square for voicing their objections to the Baroness, the BBC News instead offer their opening platform to Carol Thatcher, a dumped non-star of I’m a celebrity get me out of here, and to Sir Mark Thatcher (Sir!), unseen since the disgrace of his involvement in selling arms to countries at odds with Britain (magically, he avoided a 15-year prison term and was financially bailed out by his mother – her moral conscience nowhere in sight as Sir Mark patriotically took his 64 million and fled to Gibraltar having been refused entry to Switzerland and Monaco. What kind of mother raised such a son?) Both Mark and Carol get the BBC spotlight because they mourn their mother’s death, whilst those honest civilians who mourn Thatcher’s life are shunted out of view. This is how we see Syrian TV operate, and this is most certainly NOT a week when David Cameron will advise: “hug a hoodie.”


” Thatcher could never show sympathy, or empathy, or understanding to those from whom David Cameron is now demanding a show of civil respect for a woman who, like Myra Hindley, proved to all of us that the female could be just as cruel as the male.”


Incidentally, I wonder why the TaxPayers Alliance haven't been all over the airwaves complaining about taxpayers money being used to pay for her funeral?

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yes i was there frank enjoyed the wholeday it was great listening to the old strike storys and sad storys of the old timers that had therejobs taken away to early anyway the witch is dead


One has to laugh as much of the profit from the sale of the record goes to one of Thatchers great friends and supporters Andrew Lloyd Webber. Still I'm sure the broadcast that went around the world of the riff raff out on the streets of Goldthorpe will be a warning to any would be investors that the place is a hole in the world and best avoided.

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Incidentally, I wonder why the TaxPayers Alliance haven't been all over the airwaves complaining about taxpayers money being used to pay for her funeral?


Because they are just a sad right wing pressure group that hates the public sector but doesn't mind the state paying for stuff they support.

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