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Ding Dong! The witch is dead song all discussion in here please

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Well no, but still funny as hell thinking about all theose crass people waiting to reap their rewards, and getting 5 seconds. Brilliant ! :hihi:


Mega, if people have bought it, downloaded it then they can listen anytime they want fella, just because the BBC censure it means nothing. I mean we are talking about an organisation that knew JS was a perv 40 years ago & still gave him work.

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Dunno, I'dve just enjoyed the voicovers. It was the only decent think born of Thatcherism.


Used to love Spitting Image, Tebbitt in leather jacket, and Thatcher talking over fence to her neighbour, funnily enough based on Hitler. I don't know there's all this kerfuffle about a song about her when she snuffed it, but what about when she hit no 1 with the rest of the cast with The Chicken Song.

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So, Ding Dong reaches no 2. The BBC refuse to play the full song, playing a brief 5 seconds clip BUT play the whole of the track 'I'm in love with Margaret Thatcher' by the Notsensibles, that only made it to no 35.


Is the BBC deliberately trying to fan the flames?


Ah yes, the next time some Tory whinges about supposed lefty BBC bias, the truth about where the BBC's (Bullingdon Boys Corporation) real sympathies lie can be seen in the wall to wall coverage of Thatcher's passing, and the uncritical portrayal of her time in office.


Meanwhile this little ditty has been doing the rounds in Liverpool:


When Maggie turned up at the Pearly Gates,

there stood God with 96 of his mates

"Your not welcome here " God said,

we don't accept those who lie of the Dead,

so due to her poisonous prime minister spell,

They sent her packing straight down to HELL !!!!

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Ah yes, the next time some Tory whinges about supposed lefty BBC bias, the truth about where the BBC's (Bullingdon Boys Corporation) real sympathies lie can be seen in the wall to wall coverage of Thatcher's passing, and the uncritical portrayal of her time in office.


It's been sickening hasn't it Mister M. It's like a Thatcher Cult has taken over at the BBC with people falling over themselves to win the most craven person of the year award.

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The left have smeared themselves this week, with some of their 'Anti Thatcher' stuff, that sort of hatred and bitterness is worse than the that of the extreme right, some people really need to get a life !


another one for you "The old grey mare ain't what she used to be"

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