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Have you observed birds “helping” each other.

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There is this female blackbird that hangs around the base of the wooden post where I have a bird feeder hanging (containing mealworms). The tits come to the feeder and for some reason toss some mealworms out-almost like they are rejecting them. The blackbird then eats them up off the grass. I`m not sure if the tits are helping the ground feeding birds intentionally or if it is a coincidence.


Has anyone made similar observations?

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I think small birds of different species do flock and feed together - its because the more eyes there are the less chance of being eaten-there's a term for it that I can't remember..sowhat you are saying makes some sense-if there's plenty of food...

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Yeah ... they do exactly the same in my garden. The tits and sparrows seem to flick almost half of what they pick onto the ground.


The blackbird/s are usually there when they do this, but I've noticed other little birds picking up from the ground but then they rush back under a bush to eat. Maybe it's the males flicking it out to make it easier for the females (or vice versa more like!)


The pigeons are a bit daft. They just seem to strut around, more bothered about stopping other pigeons getting any food, than trying to grab the food when they can.


I don't like it when a huge flock of big birds comes whooshing down!! Crows, or jays ... magpies are the worst. They stuff loads into their mouths, leaving nothing for the little ones ... grrrrr

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I regularly get starlings visiting my feeders(they go mad for the homemade bird cake). More often than not one starling appears first - as though it's scouting to see if I've put some food out - and, after about a minute, it flies off. A few minutes later it returns with a small army of starlings.


I've seen similar behaviour in jackdaws too. So I definitely think some birds help others.

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