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Explosions at the Boston Marathon 15 April 2013

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Just watching an interview with a relative who was asked what their motivation might be, he said they were just losers who couldn't hack it in the US.


There might not be any deep seated Jihadist ideology, they might just be a couple of aholes.


If they were true Jihadists I'd have expected them to go up with their bombs.



Apparently the older brother had been posting on a social media site ''I have no American friends, I dont understand them"

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I dont think the USA collectively saw the IRA as anything glamorous :loopy:





"collectively" irish americans.


btw are there any english americans ??:suspect:

Strange to relate, while there are lots of British clubs here, some of them Scottish, and some Welsh, the English don't appear to be as nationalistic as the others. Its as if they think they are already at home. Note that British movies get honored as domestic ones, and not in the Foreign section. I know from my own experience that I was welcomed into citizenship with open arms by my neighbors and workmates. That doesn't always happen, but its better than it was.
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Total fantasy, with no foundation whatsoever. You're quite something.


The foundation is this .


There were military drills happening at the exact same moment ( quite a coincidence as drills took place during 9/11 and 7/7 )


The security ( looks like seal team ) had the exact same back packs as the ones which exploded .


The suspects were followed . This is evident by the CCTV which shows a man watching the pair and putting his ear piece back in as soon they pass .


These pictures have been omitted from all the mainstream press .


Now if this is hog wash tell me why .

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This whole thing screams 9/11, they find the most wanted man in the world Bin Ladin kill him and dump him in the sea, way before anyone had time to question him.


I think these 2 guys are being used as scapegoats and have nothing to do with it.


Also putting Boston on lock down is way OTT, and they wonder why there are shootings at American schools go figures.

Just go home and sleep it off, you'll feel better in the morning.:hihi:
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I didn't mean organized in the sense that they planned it, it was just...orderly. No fighting, no shoving, pushing, screaming or snatching. Looting implies an out of control mob.


These people were stealing, to be sure. And yes, a lot of it will probably end up on ebay, though I can't imagine who would want a reminder of this terrible event.


I know you didn't.I would never think of looting as organized in the pre-meditated sense.The majority of looters that I have seen,appear to be more opportunistic people copying someone else.

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The stories coming out of the mainstream media is getting ever more ridiculous, knee jerk reactions and perpetuating fear.


All America does when things like this go off is blame foreign countries and look for someone to pin terrorism on.


Most of what happens in America is born out of America, their gun obsessed nature and narrow minded mentality proves that for sure.

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The stories coming out of the mainstream media is getting ever more ridiculous, knee jerk reactions and perpetuating fear.


All America does when things like this go off is blame foreign countries and look for someone to pin terrorism on.


Most of what happens in America is born out of America, their gun obsessed nature and narrow minded mentality proves that for sure.


They aren't blaming foreign countries, just two nut jobs. Grow up, or better still show a bit of proof to your rantings.


That said you are right that 24 hour news channels are running out of stuff to say.

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the motive behind setting a bomb off is quite obvious, its the use of violence,terror and fear to pursue their goals.and like buck said attention.



its the "Ideology"behind it you should be interested in.. .


Your just talking rubbish now....

Whats ideology got to do with it?.Go check out the word "motive"and then get back to me.

Did fear and violence motivate these terrorist's?or was it the point that they are trying to make?

And my original point,I was making against your earlier comments(that obviously flew over your head)...


"and it will be interesting to see which religeous and ethnic group they belong to"


Whats ethnicity got to do with it?And at this point it could have quite easily have been a disgruntled American.


---------- Post added 19-04-2013 at 20:08 ----------


Just looking through today's post's on this thread,and the amount of false names,groups and backgrounds on here alone is ridiculous.people should start checking their media sources,instead of trying to be the first poster to break news on here.I think one thing that has been proven through this tragedy,is that media groups are literally filling in the blanks here,and its quite worrying really,the amount of conviction these reporters use with these total lies.

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The foundation is this .


There were military drills happening at the exact same moment ( quite a coincidence as drills took place during 9/11 and 7/7 )


The security ( looks like seal team ) had the exact same back packs as the ones which exploded .


The suspects were followed . This is evident by the CCTV which shows a man watching the pair and putting his ear piece back in as soon they pass .


These pictures have been omitted from all the mainstream press .


Now if this is hog wash tell me why .


And the reasons why the US would stage this is ?.Are you suggesting they would do this has an excuse to start a war with chechnya.You are as paranoid and deluded as the two suspected perpetrators.I read the 9/11 book claiming it was a cover up and came to the conclusion that there was nothing to suggest that it was anything more than what it was,a terrorist attack with hijacked planes.I feel sorry for you that you are so paranoid.Occam's razor says that the most obvious answer and conclusion is usually the right one.

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