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Explosions at the Boston Marathon 15 April 2013

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Can you explain why the FBI would wish to bomb the people of Boston? I'm curious to know their reasons.


Because if they framed Chechens they could then invade the defenceless country of Russia and errr, well, but er climate of fear, take away your guns, 1984. Lizards. Zio-lizards.


Open your eyes sheeple!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I Am only posting real photos off the event which have been forbidden too us .


You're posting photos and constructing wholly fantastical and baseless conspiracy theories around them.


Please comment on the photos and tell me what you see .




I didnt say they bombed Boston


I'm simply pointing too the fact that they were there . They were standing right next too were it happened moments before the blast .


You don't even know who 'they' were. You just decided; made it up.


I'm reading reports that the suspects were known too the FBI and even spoke too them in 2011 .


Yes. That doesn't imply that the FBI are behind every terrorist act for the last fifteen years does it though?


You are extraordinarily gullible.

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Because if they framed Chechens they could then invade the defenceless country of Russia and errr, well, but er climate of fear, take away your guns, 1984. Lizards. Zio-lizards.


Open your eyes sheeple!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


You are aware of the fact that every singe domestic terror plot in the USA since. 9-11 has had FBI involvement. ? The FBI pose as jihadists find some "slow ". Muslims and get them too agree too Some crazy things like . Remote controlled model planes bombs etc




The video is using 100%.factal information


---------- Post added 20-04-2013 at 21:43 ----------


You're posting photos and constructing wholly fantastical and baseless conspiracy theories around them.





You don't even know who 'they' were. You just decided; made it up.




Yes. That doesn't imply that the FBI are behind every terrorist act for the last fifteen years does it though?


You are extraordinarily gullible.


Right I'm gullible


At least I have the brain powers too cOmment on photos. Which you are too afraid too even look at . Never mind too comment on .



100% undercover agents were at the bombing .


Bye bye

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Because if they framed Chechens they could then invade the defenceless country of Russia and errr, well, but er climate of fear, take away your guns, 1984. Lizards. Zio-lizards.


Open your eyes sheeple!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


:hihi: No need to be sarcastic!

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I'm sorry you feel that way .


I Am only posting real photos off the event which have been forbidden too us .

Please comment on the photos and tell me what you see .


---------- Post added 20-04-2013 at 21:32 ----------



I didnt say they bombed Boston


I'm simply pointing too the fact that they were there . They were standing right next too were it happened moments before the blast .



I'm reading reports that the suspects were known too the FBI and even spoke too them in 2011 .


I've actually read it. It's rhubarb. It's reasonably possible they were undercover cops or FBI. It's also possible it could be two blokes on their way to or from work or the gym, and they were catching a sporting event. Actually thinking about it I dress in black for work and can be seen in city centres with a colleague. Am I a civillian contractor ?


It's not unreasonable to think, that after the bomb went off, they found the nearest FBI agent and said they were just there! "We're witnesses and we saw the whole thing". If they were ex-military they might just have wanted help.

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Right I'm gullible


At least I have the brain powers too cOmment on photos. Which you are too afraid too even look at . Never mind too comment on .



100% undercover agents were at the bombing .


Bye bye


OK I've looked at your photos. They highlight two males, on older man with no backpack, one younger man with a large backpack. Prior to the explosion they are near but not within 10 yards to the first bomb. A time after the explosion they are on the other side of the street. The younger male still has his backpack. They then start to tear down hoardings.


My analisis. Father and son out watching the race, from the body language in photo one they are about to move on (maybe mom had finished the race and they were going round to meet her?) so were not caught in the blast. Having crossed the street and seen the explosion they make phonecalls to loved ones to say they are OK and then get stuck into helping emergency crews tear down hoardings to use as stretchers for the scores of wounded.


Could be two mates rather than father and son but that's very likely the story behind your photos.

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OK I've looked at your photos. They highlight two males, on older man with no backpack, one younger man with a large backpack. Prior to the explosion they are near but not within 10 yards to the first bomb. A time after the explosion they are on the other side of the street. The younger male still has his backpack. They then start to tear down hoardings.


My analisis. Father and son out watching the race, from the body language in photo one they are about to move on (maybe mom had finished the race and they were going round to meet her?) so were not caught in the blast. Having crossed the street and seen the explosion they make phonecalls to loved ones to say they are OK and then get stuck into helping emergency crews tear down hoardings to use as stretchers for the scores of wounded.


Could be two mates rather than father and son but that's very likely the story behind your photos.


No. You're obviously brainwashed into not seeing what's actually there !

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Dont talk such garbage. Like every other person who saw this horrible tragedy unfold i was shocked, outraged and angered. I actually saw the second plane hit the tower live while having breakfast the morning of 9/11 by the way.

My shock was tempered with an extreme feeling of anger that any individual would put together a bomb that could shoot nails and other fragments of steel into a large crowd of bystanders.


I know what shrapnel can do to the body. I saw it close up and right in your face long ago. The cameras at the Marathon didnt show a fraction of it for obvious reasons.


So quit the sermonizing. You dont know the sadness and grief I've experienced now and in the past and are in no position to make comments about it


I didn't talk garbage, or sermonize or make any comments about the sadness and grief you have experienced. I am sad to say you have either imagined that or projected it onto my post.


What I did was ask you a question. That question related to how you could be so sure as to how you would react if you were in the shoes of the mother in question.


There was no criticism of you, either implicit or explicit, in that question. It was a simple and straightforward attempt to ask you to re-consider for a moment how you could be so sure you would not experience a period of denial in the face of such parental heartache. Your original statement came across as quite harsh and judgemental and it does none of us any harm to metaphorically walk a mile in others' shoes before judging them.


It is perfectly possible to be appalled by the crime, want the criminals to face justice and to still feel for all of those whose lives have been destroyed by it on both sides of the equation.


---------- Post added 20-04-2013 at 23:51 ----------


I'm all for discussion .


Please tell me :

1. Why do we have undercover agents At the event ? Standing right next too were the bomb went off ? And yes 100% they are undercover agents of some sort .


They were tracking a serial killer. Just as possible (probably more so) as your scenario and equally bereft of any evidence yet no conspiracy required.


Still, my money is on Andygardener's interpretation. Occam's razor.


The reason why I asked you (TWICE without you answering) whether there was any explanation for the things you deem suspicious other than your conspiracy laced one, is that there are literally thousands of ways you can interpret those images.

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I think you've been watching too many war movies. We're not all John Wayne. My family has a strong military background. My father and grandfather served in France during WW1, my uncle was Regimental Sergeant Major of the Yorks and Lancs. Im a retired CPO of the RN, and my brother served in the RN during WW2. You could not meet a less cold family anywhere than us. My second son was a military policeman wounded in Iraq, and has not been able to work since from his wounds. He got those wounds sheparding Iraqi children out of danger in Baghdad.


Ah yes..the old "I'm gonna real off my military background" as a war cry to the original question of empathy with a mother who's lost a child as some form of philosophical defense...and the numbskul response was confusing empathy with sympathy. No one, not one person has sympathized with the actions committed by the perps in Boston. Many if not most have sympathized with the victims and family, therefore by default also empathize largely.


As for watching war movies to perpetuate some inner long lost nostalgia trip I think you need to direct that question/accusation to your buddy. Not all ex military are so braggart in a consistent fashion... you're not the only one who fought and LOST relatives in action...even though it has nothing to do with the bloody thread, let alone using it as a point of "I'm right your wrong".


Anyway my point initially was directed at "a certain military mind" not all with military background.


Funny isn't it how these threads always end up about Harley, buck and their military career...we've heard it all before..change the record, the world doesn't revolve around you. Try to concentrate on the thread, try to discuss the differing facets as relevant news comes in otherwise it just becomes the predictable "gas the little rat" crap.

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All I've heard from them via media interviews is that this was a "set up" What kind of "set up"?
They set them up.. They used them to do this and now they are most likely gonna try and get rid of them so they dont talk!! (His brother was already murdered -- ITS TIME FOR THIS EVIL TO BE EXPOSED!!)


Marshal law was declared in Boston for a 19 year old . Maybe a taste of what's too come ?
Yes many of us wonder this!! (This was a test run)
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