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Explosions at the Boston Marathon 15 April 2013

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Suggesting someone doesn't feel empathy for the victims, the suffering injured, and their grieving families, just because they are also expressing some feeling towards the families of those guilty of such an atrocious crime is pointless.

It isn't always the fault of the parent when their child gets drawn into and involved in secretive fanatical terrorist groups led by leaders who seem to be continuously finding ways of recruiting young men and brain washing them.



you misunderstand me I"m not blaming the parents more the

stupidity of importing Chechnyan teenagers into the US, putting them on welfare, giving them money, cars, and education - but no jobs. Add to this their not being able to get laid like their American 'peers' and you've got a volatile hormonal cocktail on your hands (the same one that blew up in London 8 years ago).

Throwing passports around like confetti and expecting those recipients to feel kinship with each other, or the host population is absurd.



btw did you see the fbi agent on tv when questioned about why they didn't pick one of them up after being advised by the russians when he was re entering america a couple of years ago quote/"no we didn't stop him because theres too many of them like that":huh:

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you misunderstand me I"m not blaming the parents more the

stupidity of importing Chechnyan teenagers into the US, putting them on welfare, giving them money, cars, and education - but no jobs. Add to this their not being able to get laid like their American 'peers' and you've got a volatile hormonal cocktail on your hands (the same one that blew up in London 8 years ago).

Throwing passports around like confetti and expecting those recipients to feel kinship with each other, or the host population is absurd.


Are you really suggesting these guys bombed the marathon out of sexual frustration? The London bombers too?


Bizarre. What makes you think you know about their sex lives?


They weren't 'imported' - they chose to go. All that stuff about welfare, money,cars and education is nothing more than wild speculation on your part.

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I feel like I"ve just watched "die hard 5 with a vengeance"


btw what happend to the nuclear test in N.korea:suspect:


As my missus pondered in an incredibly deep moment away from her Hello magazine and the soaps:


"Maybe it is a movie and we're all part of it"


It got me thinking

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Do you not see the irony? So these conspiracy websites are the whole truth, nothing but the truth and represent a true reflection of what happened?


As far as I can see, looking at the website that was linked earlier, it was all speculation. Yes, rather reliable :roll:


Correctamundo. All that website did was suggest who these two chaps are. By the final photograph they are confirmed as civilian contractors. I don't know the background of the writer and what gives him/her the knowledge to qualify them as such. But SBYC is totally "100%" convinced - ie if you keep saying the same thing over and over again some people will take it as the truth. If that isn't propaganda I don't know what is. If there is some massive conspiracy, do you really think these websites would last 5 minutes? No !!!

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Do you not see the irony? So these conspiracy websites are the whole truth, nothing but the truth and represent a true reflection of what happened?


As far as I can see, looking at the website that was linked earlier, it was all speculation. Yes, rather reliable :roll:


No I don't see the irony, can you point out where I suggested "these conspiracy websites are the whole truth, nothing but the truth and represent a true reflection of what happened"??

I said (in general) I'd trust them to report the truth and dig deeper than I would the BBC etc.


You seem to generalise rather, and be putting words in my mouth. I'm not sure what you mean by truther/conspiracy websites, but I'm thinking alternative media in general. Obviously you can't trust any one site as such so look at various sources and make my own mind up.

Our main media just beat the same drum and you see how bias it is when you start looking at alternative sources.

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That's grand, but I fail to understand the point you're trying to make. Except perhaps that as a father, you might be able to empathise with a mother who's lost a son and been told that the other one has committed terrible deeds and is seriously ill with gunshot wounds.
I am responding to Skinz insults to military people. Of course I empathize with anyone in the same boat as this mother. It doesn't need comment. As an aviation mechanic I have almost positively been involved in the death of others without having to pull a trigger myself. But for the nation's sake it has to be done to save it.
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As my missus pondered in an incredibly deep moment away from her Hello magazine and the soaps:


"Maybe it is a movie and we're all part of it"


It got me thinking


She's not far wrong. Though I wouldn't say we are part of it, we are the ones paying to watch the movie

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No I don't see the irony, can you point out where I suggested "these conspiracy websites are the whole truth, nothing but the truth and represent a true reflection of what happened"??

I said (in general) I'd trust them to report the truth and dig deeper than I would the BBC etc.


You seem to generalise rather, and be putting words in my mouth. I'm not sure what you mean by truther/conspiracy websites, but I'm thinking alternative media in general. Obviously you can't trust any one site as such so look at various sources and make my own mind up.

Our main media just beat the same drum and you see how bias it is when you start looking at alternative sources.


The alternative is equally biased, just one look at the above website must tell you that surely. Yes the mainstream media get it wrong sometimes but for these websites to constantly take a completely different take on events can't be right either, if either are proposing facts - there would be something over lapping somewhere.

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No one has attacked that. What I pointed out was the irrelevant repetitiveness of it within the context of a facet within a discussion..mostly all discussion/debate.


I'll give it to Harley..to date within this discussion he hasn't entered "what do you know, you've never been here" as an argument.

So it appears that we are not to be permitted to mention that we took time away from our wives and families, and volunteered to serve, something very few show a willingness to do, especially you. But you expect to live in peace and comfort, while castigating the very people who provide it.
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The alternative is equally biased, just one look at the above website must tell you that surely. Yes the mainstream media get it wrong sometimes but for these websites to constantly take a completely different take on events can't be right either, if either are proposing facts - there would be something over lapping somewhere.


What website are you on about?


---------- Post added 21-04-2013 at 13:28 ----------




"The younger brother was shot in the throat and could not speak because of injuries to his tongue, said a source close to the investigation. It was unclear when he would be able to talk again or when he would be charged."



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