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Why are people racist?

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I think it's a matter of degree.


Some people are mildly racist; they feel more comfortable and safe around people of their own ethnicity; and feel less comfortable around people from different ethnic groups.


Extreme racism, I would think is where people go out of their way to be hateful or harm people from other ethnic groups.


I would say it's all racism though, just a matter of degree.


I don't think you first example is racism.... I always thought racism was


"The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race and prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief."

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I don't think you first example is racism.... I always thought racism was


"The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race and prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief."


You missed a bit


“ also “a belief that one race is superior to others.”

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Just watched the Stephen Lawrence documentary, discussing racist in the UK, in the police, and if things are improving at all (the program suggested that they were).


Anyhow, a black girl was saying she felt everyone was racist, to a degree, in that they feel more comfortable mixing with other people of the same ethnicity as themselves.


I think I agree with her; but, I'm wondering, why exactly is that?


Is it something inborn? That we feel safer around people who are similar to ourselves? Or is it learned, part of the socialisation process?


My bold.

She feels, its her opinion and one could argue its her whos the racist by not wanting to mix with other ethnicities.

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My bold.

She feels, its her opinion and one could argue its her whos the racist by not wanting to mix with other ethnicities.


She's probably just as racist as I am. I'm guessing that it's not something she sets out to be; it's more that she (or her attitudes, mind-sets, inclinations etc) is a product of the social context.


For example; the stigma associated with being labelled a racist; makes people more cautious around people from other ethnicities, because of a fear of doing anything that may be misconstrued as racist.

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Does wanting to mix with people like yourself make you a racist?


No, but you could ask the opposite question..why is not wanting to associate with others, and why, relevant?


Personally I'm as comfortable with White friends as I'm as I am with those who are not, even "friends" is a term to extreme.. familiar would be a better term. I'm equally uncomfortable with white strangers as I am with those that are not. For me it isn't actually the colour or race but the unfamiliarity of an individual or group...it's just a defense mechanism kicking in, we all have it and it's called fear. I fear Tigers in the open, I'm not Tigerist. For many the result of fear can be put to rest almost in the blink of an eye..above average reasoning and logic skills


For some the defense mechanism can be extreme usually because of a lack of social flexibility, poor reasoning etc..the inability to comprehend thus relying on social prejudices and stereotypes. If those prejudices and stereotypes are a part of your daily existence and your intelligence level is low, combined with a lazy mental attitude (lack of lateral thinking) then you and your peers will feed from each other.


So many elements as to why people are racist but you'll probably find the backbone as to why is universal.

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I think I know what you mean, it's a kinda risky topic.


I don't know if I'm racist; but if I'm honest, I would have to say I feel more comfortable with people close to my own ethnicity.


Maybe it's a taboo topic though, and not something people would readily be open to discussing.


Waldo not so much taboo, but too easily taken the wrong way.

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Being a racist is so flippant now.


You don't like Indian curries your racist

You fear Black men because the media says they cause crime your a racist

You refuse to talk to Indian call centres your racist



Meanwhile in the real world where good old fashioned racist kill each other is a whole new meaning of racist.

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I think the vast majority of what is ascribed as racism in the UK is just people being more comfortable with people who are socially compatible with them and in reality it in the vast majority crosses racial lines.


Genuine racism is harder to work out. Probably the two most racist societies on earth are North Korea and Japan, one is a vile rogue dictatorship and the other is a western allied democracy with a thriving economy. Both are racist to the core. Go figure that out.

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Being a racist is so flippant now.


You don't like Indian curries your racist


Well you are if your reasoning is you don't like it not because of the food.


You fear Black men because the media says they cause crime your a racist


Racists tend to be led..the media is no exception. DM


You refuse to talk to Indian call centres your racist


I can't stand any call center where I can't understand the person I'm talking to. I'l concede partially, I'm call-centerist.



Meanwhile in the real world where good old fashioned racist kill each other is a whole new meaning of racist.


Sorry, lost me there.:confused:

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Being a racist is so flippant now.


You don't like Indian curries your racist

You fear Black men because the media says they cause crime your a racist

You refuse to talk to Indian call centres your racist



Meanwhile in the real world where good old fashioned racist kill each other is a whole new meaning of racist.


I think you have a point some people conflate ignorance and bigotry.

The two are not the same.


Some people are naive or ignorant, some people are venal and bigoted.


Ther have been awful examples in history and present day where people from minority communities are persecuted for who they are or the colour of their skin.


I don't think it is natural to be racist. Some people, for whatever reason are fearful of people that are different to them. And the exploitation of this fear for political reasons is revolting.

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