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Is it time to ban the internet?

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The positive of effects of greater access to and transfer of information, greater connectivity between human beings and it's place in the worlds of business, education and social interaction vastly outweigh any negative effects.


It can eat up time like TV did before it (brainwashing and dumbing down it's users), it can indeed be used to plan harmful actions and it does make access to violence and pornography easier too, which have their own implications - but they are issues which demand greater control, not a blanket ban.


The positives of the internet are far too valuable to discard just to prevent harmful aspects of it which could be easily overcome anyway (you want violent porn without the internet, you can probably still get it - you want to organise a terrorist cell, you can probably do it with a mobile phone etc. etc.)


Totally agree, though as with all new mediums, it has to find its own level. The issue of censorship is a big one. Personally I think parents can do a lot more to censor / protect impressionable young minds until they are old enough to be making their own (more balanced) decisions.

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It also gives a voice....


Ban it!


We want all ours news coming through a narrow channel controlled by the likes of Murdoch.


If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none.

Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

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I concur, though it would be way better with wind turbines in it. :hihi:


Shaz says no hot dogs :roll::roll:


---------- Post added 16-04-2013 at 23:45 ----------


Kind of ironic that this conversation has happened under a thread entitled 'Is it time to ban the internet?'


Are you coming to the turbine meet? We can knock seven shades of poo outta of each other!! Me and Mega will start first and I have a guest star with Dougie N turning up :hihi::D

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No. Think about it for a minute...


Could the internet be harming us?


We all know about the proliferation of porn and violence now available at the click of a mouse. The net has also killed music, by allowing fileshares and free streams.


It also gives a voice to all the left wingers who want to attack right wingers. Or right wingers who want to attack left wingers. Free speech is ok, but some of these folks are nutters.


Harmful information is easily shared, so we are probably rearing a generation of bedroom terrorists and general sociopaths.


So, folks of the forum. Does the net do more harm than good? Should we switch it off and go back to papers, tv and radio.


Do tell.


Never have I come across the term "ban" so much as I have on SF. BAN and SF have almost become synonymous :rolleyes:


The idea of banning the internet based on porn, terrorism, racism or any other ism is moronic. The internet is the future. The internet is also not in control..it isn't a living entity.


Primarily it consists of a switch..which you have the capability of tuning on or off. If the internet for you personally is porn, terrorism, bogey men behind doors then it may, just may be better to ban yourself from it rather than it from you, otherwise you'll become the equivalent of brain soup.


I was reading a paper this morning on nano technology..I had to look for it. If the paper had upset me then I would desist from looking it up again..same goes with porn or such like..you have to look for it to be upset by it. The internet is a means of communication..why ever would anyone want to remove that as a choice? The answer I guess is probably more frightening than the question.


I distrust "banners" more than I do politicians...and that's saying something.

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