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Brighton Council may introduce 'shooting galleries' for addicts.

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they should be getting them off the drugs not making them a hotel so they can shoot drugs in their system.


They are not attempting to redeem/rehabilitate the parasites, they are pandering to their weakness, stupidity and selfishness.


Perhaps the first step to realistically getting people off drugs forever is to gain their trust and foster an atmosphere of co-operation. So, the logic is to provide the safe environment in order to build that relationship before the real work is done to tackle the problem and redeem the individual. It is an open door to a solution that at least has a better chance of sticking than othering, casting out and washing our hands.


Or we could just hit them with bats.


---------- Post added 18-04-2013 at 13:48 ----------


I expected the idiots to react as they have.


Addiction is a disease. People need help, this is not going to get them off drugs, but it will provide them with a safe place to use and a better, more supportive environment.

It's a step in the right direction.


It's not the people using heroin that are the issue, it's the drug it's self. There's no way on earth that punishing or alienating them going to get them clean.



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Yet the evidence shows that the idea is having positive results in countries that have already adopted the idea.


Doesn't mean it will work here. Remember the relaxing of licensing hours, we were told we'd see pavement cafe style culture and a reduction in late night trouble.


Or letting kids into pubs, we'd have a more open welcoming family environment.


Yet in reality none of that happened. Chavvy parents using the pubs play areas as creches while they booze, and the late night trouble, binge drinking and violence still happens.


I did read the article about other countries, but our culture just isn't like theirs in the slightest.




This is an interesting article:


The Centre for Policy Studies thinktank has called methadone maintenance "nationalised drug dealing". Instead, it promotes recovery through residential detox and abstinence-based rehabilitation. But there are pitifully few rehabilitation beds available at "reasonable rates" of around £600 a week, and none in the NHS.




Build these by all means (I'll even join in with a shovel), not shooting rooms.

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Our culture isn't so vastly different from Canada or Australia is it other than being more negative in most aspects of life and until it's tried who's to say it'll work or not.

New radical ideas are always met with trepidation and opposition.


The link you attached was interesting and if a similar pattern is followed there's every reason to believe that similar results can be obtained here.


I'm referring to the BBC link in this instance

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Brighton is run by extreme lefties. The town is a haven for druggies. See the correlation?


First time I've ever heard the Green Party described as extreme left. What on earth goes on in that scrambled brain of yours?


Here's the make-up of Brighton Council.


Green 22

Conservative 18

Labour & Co-operative 13

Independent 1


Perhaps looking at facts before posting might help you to appear less of an idiot.

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People need to hit rock bottom before they give up drugs. They aren't going to do that if we keep making things easier for them, are they?


You're such an expert, aren't you? You just type crap and expect people to believe you.


I think being on heroin is pretty much rock bottom, don't you?

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my goodness the nutters have really taken over the asylum in Brighton! so let me get this straight there will be a "safe" place to shoot up your chosen drug of choice, that you bought from a dubious source and is of indefinable quality and strength and a council is going to legitamise that???? apart from the councils insurers being extremely uncomfortable and in fact probably Apoplectic at the thought!! as usual it looks like the tax payer is going to fund the medical staff on hand....Barmy!

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my goodness the nutters have really taken over the asylum in Brighton! so let me get this straight there will be a "safe" place to shoot up your chosen drug of choice, that you bought from a dubious source and is of indefinable quality and strength and a council is going to legitamise that???? apart from the councils insurers being extremely uncomfortable and in fact probably Apoplectic at the thought!! as usual it looks like the tax payer is going to fund the medical staff on hand....Barmy!


Amazing isn't it? Tory councillors being part of a solution like this? No wonder you're apopleptic.

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