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Brighton Council may introduce 'shooting galleries' for addicts.

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Amazing isn't it? Tory councillors being part of a solution like this? No wonder you're apopleptic.


yep thats why i am now UKIP, probably Tory wets or new Liebour turned Tory anyway:hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 18-04-2013 at 14:59 ----------


Amazing isn't it? Tory councillors being part of a solution like this? No wonder you're apopleptic.


sorry meant to say how is this a solution????? i was so apopleptic and frothing:suspect:

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Brighton is run by extreme lefties. The town is a haven for druggies. See the correlation?


"In the mid 1980s the number of users of heroin and other opiates increased dramatically...". From http://www.drugscope.org.uk/resources/drugsearch/drugsearchpages/heroin.


Britain was run by the extreme right. Britain became a haven for druggies. See the correlation?

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Amazing isn't it? Tory councillors being part of a solution like this? No wonder you're apopleptic.


Actually the article says:


Their use is one of the recommendations in an independent report commissioned by Brighton and Hove City Council.


Many of these reports have out-of-the-box or zany ideas which are instantly dismissed.


But that doesn't get the headlines and people frothing!

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yep thats why i am now UKIP, probably Tory wets or new Liebour turned Tory anyway:hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 18-04-2013 at 14:59 ----------



sorry meant to say how is this a solution????? i was so apopleptic and frothing:suspect:


There have already been several posts that gave some insight into how it may be a solution to various issues, not to mention the link in the OP itself.

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There have already been several posts that gave some insight into how it may be a solution to various issues, not to mention the link in the OP itself.


sorry must be me but i cant see any other solution than to make them go cold turkey, lock em up until the fitting, shaking, sweats or whatever dies down, under medical supervision of course and they have to want to give up.....most dont its a lifestyle choice thats why its supported by the Green & left majority at brighton council, all hail to the alternative lifestyle:roll::roll:

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I wonder if some of the people on here prattling on about shooting galleries were aware that needle exchanges were brought in on a nationwide basis to combat the spread of HIV / AIDS by the then secretary of state Norman Fowler (Tory).


It was one of the more sensible policies that the Thatcher regime introduced.


God knows the logic of some of the right wingers on here :loopy:

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The areas where drug use increased dramatically were all under Labour control.


And who was in government at the time and thus in charge of border control allowing all the smack into the country? Maybe it was the Federation of Conservative Students who probably didn't all live in Labour areas and did support the legalisation of heroin.


See http://conservativehome.blogs.com/torydiary/2006/07/the_federation_.html

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sorry must be me but i cant see any other solution than to make them go cold turkey, lock em up until the fitting, shaking, sweats or whatever dies down, under medical supervision of course and they have to want to give up.....most dont its a lifestyle choice thats why its supported by the Green & left majority at brighton council, all hail to the alternative lifestyle:roll::roll:


What other solutions have you considered and in what depth?


Do you feel that the chemical process of addiction has any impact upon free will and free choice?


The primary purpose of the proposed scheme is to prevent death. Do you oppose that in principle?

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