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Share your treasured belongings

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Hi, everyone do you have any treasured belongings? it needn't to be a pretty one, it may be often forgotten under the bed, nestled between some books on a shelf, or tucked away in a closet. A wooden box, a ring, a photograph — we all own those seemingly unremarkable objects that are, in fact, bursting with personal meaning.


My treasured one is a bag of hand written letters. I had a pen friend in secondary school, we wrote to each other for 3 years. We talked about music, books, films, study and all kinds happy sad stories. Actually, we were in the same school, but we almost had never have any conversation in real world, I was very shy at that age as well as him. I could never forget how happy I was when received a new letter from him every time. Sadly, we lose touch after graduated from secondary school. Now I always wonder what I wrote to him at that age, but I could never see them again.


Now I use smartphone for texting and email every day, but sometimes I hate it, because it is too smart and fast, how wish I could receive a long hand written letter again.


How about yours?

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