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Miliband not ready to be Prime Minister.

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In general leader polls are less inaccurate than voting intention polls mid-term, but yes none of them are an accurate predictor of what the next election result will be.



How can you measure the accuracy of a poll about opinions of a leader?


My experience of them is that they are so volatile that they aren't worth taking notice of.

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How can you measure the accuracy of a poll about opinions of a leader?


My experience of them is that they are so volatile that they aren't worth taking notice of.


Obviously you can't measure it, it's an opinion poll. But as an example Kinnocks personal rating trailled way behind Labours in the run up to 1992 which as it turned out explained the end result.

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I've rather warmed to him a little since hearing that most gracious tribute he paid to Margaret Thatcher.


He certainly went up in my estimation. Showed those small-minded, classless asses in the Labour party how to pay a tribute without selling out his principles.


Still, I don't think he's got it in him to be PM. I shudder to think of him as PM now. Then again, he's partly responsible for the financial mess.


---------- Post added 19-04-2013 at 00:01 ----------


And we're unlikely to have an election for a couple of years so the poll is largely irrelevant.


I doubt, in two years time, that poll will change very much. He's just not got that 'leader' quality.


His brother, on the other hand, now he does have it, but, as often is the case, the unions get to choose the Labour leader. If he does, somehow, manage to convince the electorate to vote for him, I wonder how soon the unions will be knocking on his door to cash in a few favours??

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Obviously you can't measure it, it's an opinion poll. But as an example Kinnocks personal rating trailled way behind Labours in the run up to 1992 which as it turned out explained the end result.


We've probably got the same thing going on for a different party, at the moment.


Everything that Cameron does, or says seems to be ridiculed by one section of the media or another. He's experiencing the same problem that Kinnock did, he's not got a natural home.


For that reason, I think that Labour might just squeak home next time. It might be a good election to win, unlike the last one:)

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We've probably got the same thing going on for a different party, at the moment.


Everything that Cameron does, or says seems to be ridiculed by one section of the media or another. He's experiencing the same problem that Kinnock did, he's not got a natural home.


For that reason, I think that Labour might just squeak home next time. It might be a good election to win, unlike the last one:)


Better still, win the election after the next. By that time the Tories or another coalition should have sorted out the financial mess and got the accounts back in the black, as per 1997.


The Labour can get in and blow the lot over a decade or so and we'll all be back here again.


Seems to be the way - the Tories get the finances in order, Labour gets in and spends like a lottery winner, then the Tories get back in to sort out the mess.


Hey ho, that's politics for you....:hihi:

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Better still, win the election after the next. By that time the Tories or another coalition should have sorted out the financial mess and got the accounts back in the black, as per 1997.


The Labour can get in and blow the lot over a decade or so and we'll all be back here again.


Seems to be the way - the Tories get the finances in order, Labour gets in and spends like a lottery winner, then the Tories get back in to sort out the mess.


Hey ho, that's politics for you....:hihi:


As an alternative view. The Tories get in, chuck a load of people out of work and give pots of cash to posh kids.


Labour get in. Put loads of people back to work, but fight shy of taking the cash off the posh kids.


I think that is a fair summary of UK politics. I also think that we deserve better.


We certainly deserve better than your cliched analysis.

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As an alternative view. The Tories get in, chuck a load of people out of work and give pots of cash to posh kids.


Labour get in. Put loads of people back to work, but fight shy of taking the cash off the posh kids.


I think that is a fair summary of UK politics. I also think that we deserve better.


We certainly deserve better than your cliched analysis.


Touche cliche!!!:hihi:


Seems you have summed up the last Labour govts.

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And the current mess of a Government.


Who are spending what money they haven't really got on what huge job creation programme in the public sector?


Either you believe one side or the other, but too many independent sources report the financial mess (created by the last Labour administration) for it not to be false.


We can either carry on spending, like Gordon, in the hope that, eventually, things will turn around - his 5 year, no 7 year, no 10 year, no 11 year no, sh*t! economic plan. And then end up like Greece, handing over control of our financial destiny to the EU and the IMF and be forced to impose spending cuts twice as bad as we currently have.


Go live in Greec for a year, then come back here and vote Labour for that real possibility.

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