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Miliband not ready to be Prime Minister.

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I have always voted Labour, but I have to admit I agree with some of the things that dopey Dave has done (shock horror).


But we all ought to remember that whoever we vote for they will all come with their nice promises, then when in say screw you.


They all pee in the same pot, I think the only thing that is a certainty is that Clegg has ensured that the Lib Dems won't ever get near power again.

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He is the worst thing to happen to the Labour party in a long time.


I'm sure Labour Party will take comfort from the fact that a forum Tory doesn't like him :hihi:


This thread is such a croc. It's like the other thread when all the tories were saying how much the Labour Party would miss David Milliband when he quit the commons [yeah right] - and how terrible it was that Ed stabbed him in the back.

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Like the party you apparently support you offer no arguement or alternative.


I don't support any party. I just thought that you needed a little basic economic education.


After all, if you are going to post on threads like these, it would be best if your were accurate in your claims.

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Not to mention Labour haven't unveiled a single policy since the election so those saying they would vote Labour either always do or are registering a protest against the coalition...


Which is most likely what will decide the outcome of the next election.


Labour are almost certain to win since people don't like the idea of having to face the realities of our economic situation (not that the Coalition have exactly been excelling in that department).


Now that Labour are promising more free money [LINK] their victory is assured.


Which is good news as I've always cherished a desire to see this miserable dump of a country brought low. I was thwarted when the ideal candidate (Gordon Brown) lost the last election, but Milliband and Balls will be an acceptable replacement.


'Mwah ha ha haaa!' :hihi:

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A poll of UK voters suggests that folk do not think Miliband is ready to be Prime Minister.






Ed Miliband is dealt a blow today as an exclusive poll finds that a clear majority of Britons do not think he is ready to become prime minister.


Ipsos MORI found that just under one in four people thinks the Labour leader is ready to hold the keys of No 10, while two thirds believe that he is not yet up to the job.


Why don't you comment on how well the current government is doing?

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A poll of UK voters suggests that folk do not think Miliband is ready to be Prime Minister.






Ed Miliband is dealt a blow today as an exclusive poll finds that a clear majority of Britons do not think he is ready to become prime minister.


Ipsos MORI found that just under one in four people thinks the Labour leader is ready to hold the keys of No 10, while two thirds believe that he is not yet up to the job.


The electorate have a bunch of nobody's to choose from with the exception of Farage of UKIP, dull grey men with no flair. If Cameron wasn't Prime Minister right now, how many would say he is ready?

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Which is most likely what will decide the outcome of the next election.


Labour are almost certain to win since people don't like the idea of having to face the realities of our economic situation (not that the Coalition have exactly been excelling in that department).


Now that Labour are promising more free money [LINK] their victory is assured.


Which is good news as I've always cherished a desire to see this miserable dump of a country brought low. I was thwarted when the ideal candidate (Gordon Brown) lost the last election, but Milliband and Balls will be an acceptable replacement.


'Mwah ha ha haaa!' :hihi:


Considering how Sheffield have decided to make even the poorest pay a part of their council tax from this year (shades of the 'Poll tax'?) its interesting that they get a mention here (from your link):


Mr Cameron ridiculed a £12,000 clothing allowance for Durham council leaders as "the latest line from 'Geordie Armani'". He also attacked Sheffield City Council for having 391 employees with salaries of more than £50,000


I wonder how we compare with other cities of a similar size.

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