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Will you pop pills by the dozen?

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Errrr, I think you're both arguing from the same standpoint but just using different language.


Megalithic- when you say that FAS is rubbish, are you saying that it's crap for those who have it, but it looks like you're arguing that the concept is rubbish and therefore FAS doesn't exist?

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Mate, don't listen to him. You say something, he twists it then claims he said it before you and uses it against you. That's pretty evident. :help:


He should work as a roller coaster operative when not pretending to be a traffic warden in his donkey jacket :suspect::D :D

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Errrr, I think you're both arguing from the same standpoint but just using different language.


Megalithic- when you say that FAS is rubbish, are you saying that it's crap for those who have it, but it looks like you're arguing that the concept is rubbish and therefore FAS doesn't exist?


Yeah Meds, but he twists my head with big words then turns my own opinion on me with his silver Tory tongue. :( Can you ban him please. :hihi:

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Errrr, I think you're both arguing from the same standpoint but just using different language.


Megalithic- when you say that FAS is rubbish, are you saying that it's crap for those who have it, but it looks like you're arguing that the concept is rubbish and therefore FAS doesn't exist?


I wish that was the case but it's not as can be seen below.



And it can harm the fetus if consumed by the mother whilst expecting, as can other drugs.


Who's told you that rubbish ? :suspect:



That was wrote by someone with a beard wearing sandals. never trust such people.


Megalithic seems to think I earned him a ban and can't quite avoid developing a grudge.

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We have had a thread where someone stated that they were on various pills.

Is this a good thing, and can it be avoided?

High blood pressure, a symptom of our unhealthy lifestyles. We are mostly heading in that direction. I am 50 years old, but still reasonably healthy. I like to sallow multi-vitamins, but I have never liked taking any medication, let the body heal itself.


You must be very lucky then, some of us are on life long medication through no fault of our own and we have no choice about it, our bodies won't ever 'heal themselves' and otherwise we'd die. But bully for you!

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We have had a thread where someone stated that they were on various pills.

Is this a good thing, and can it be avoided?

High blood pressure, a symptom of our unhealthy lifestyles. We are mostly heading in that direction. I am 50 years old, but still reasonably healthy. I like to sallow multi-vitamins, but I have never liked taking any medication, let the body heal itself.


I'm with Medusa on this one (great post BTW Medusa), some people have to be on medication just to survive. I'm on 25 a day which is 700 per month, they keep me going.


I have CHF (look it up if not sure) and just gone on a new one that lowers my heartbeat as it was going to fast, my arteries are now kaput & nothing can be done for them.


I have recently been told that I'm terminal, and that the care now is palliative, where they treat the symptom but it is incurable & no more can be done for me. Trust me that was a right kick in the preverbials.


I'm in the process of going for medical retirement, and my doctor cannot give me a true timescale on how long I have, she did say could be a month, could be a year, who knows.


She told me to quit work to enhance my time with my family, which I'm doing, like Medusa & others I take great offence that people knock medicines.


Mine keep me living that bit longer and for that I'm happy, but as Medusa says & other, we don't ask for this it's what life throws at you. I'm glad you're fit and well; just please respect that some of us are not, I'm on 5 tablets that have a direct link to working with my BP alone due to my heart.


Please try not to be so dismissive of people that have to take medication, we would rather be like you but hey ho we get on best we can.

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