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Labour nor Tory can do what needs to be done.

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This was my favourite.


It is hugely unfair, you're right. Irrespective of how much you've contributed over the years, everyone gets the same. So it would be much fairer if those who paid in more (i.e. the rich) got more than those who paid in little or nothing (i.e. the poor).


That is what you're proposing, right?


Well, there's the thing. It depends which way you look at it. If you've paid a lot in, you should in theory get more. However, from the other angle, people who don't need extra payments are given them whether they want them or not. Either way you could split the vote and potentially lose the lot. That's perhaps why neither party dare touch this.

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  • 2 months later...

ash m8 i can see what your saying but the houses have risen lots over time it wouldn't harm the house prices to freeze a little in price are drop 2 percent are 5 percent people at the lower end of the ladder that cannot afford to buy a house got to live in a council house are rent private landlord good post thou ash i can see your point


---------- Post added 01-07-2013 at 05:41 ----------


ash m8 i can see what your saying but the houses have risen lots over time it wouldn't harm the house prices to freeze a little in price are drop 2 percent are 5 percent people at the lower end of the ladder that cannot afford to buy a house got to live in a council house are rent private landlord good post thou ash i can see your point

going to spoil it now its not about votes its to do with whats right :hihi: sorry

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It's a no win situation. Neither can offer what we need as a country, because they're all massive vote losers.


For example:


*We need more housing. (argue that if you want - but I'll suggest we do)


If either claimed that there would be a massive house building project, say 500,000 new homes over a term.


Straight away, 14,500,000 home owners realise their property is likely to devalue. Possible loss to the party of millions of voters. A none starter for either party, and fairness [or progress] takes a back seat. Conclusion: Neither dare do anything major as it is a potential vote loser because an opposition will attack with this one.




It's widely thought that pensioners are unfairly paid in their pensions (i.e. rich get same as poor)


Straight away, (I can't post exact figures as my new internet connection runs like treacle), it's clear, neither party dare even touch pensioners, as the grey vote is huge. A none starter for either party and fairness takes a back seat.




The child benefit system. Hugely controversial, and doesn't serve the purpose it was meant for (though that in it self is controversial!)


Who dares trample on this? The Tory party have had a little snip into this, but even that will lose them votes. A none starter for either party and fairness takes a back seat.




Spiralling NHS costs - when it just isn't necessary. Both parties have sneaked around this topic, but neither dare do anything as it is a vote loser because an opposition will attack with this one.




Is it just Catch-22 until someone starts a war on us or similar?!


In your opinion

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