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Brown Sauce or Tommy Smedge

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Until recently I was a die hard tomato sauce addict...especially with Cheese on Toast..then the missus introduced me to Daddies Brown Sauce with Cheese on Toast....mmmmmmmm...Just wondering what your preference was and what quirky combo would you put sauce with???

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They both have their places.


For instance, like you say, brown sauce is the only sauce for cheese on toast. And fried breakfasts (but only HP - not filthy Daddies).


Ketchup has the rest of the market covered.

Chips, hot dogs, ham sandwiches etc.



Just DO NOT make the mistake of putting brown sauce on chicken. Absolutely mings. The two flavours seem to destroy each other, and you end up with a metallic taste. Seriously, dont do it.

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Perhaps HP v Daddies is another thread to start...I love tomato sauce on crispy roast potatoes...Like chips I guess!!!...also mix tomato sauce with mayo to get some weird pink liquid that tastes good with pringles...think there is a proper name for tom sauce and mayo mixed...Thanks for the Chicken and brown sauce tip :thumbsup:

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Tom sauce with mayo is basically seafood sauce. If you add a bit of tartare sauce you will get an even more authentic taste rather akin to thousand island dressing.


As for brown sauce, I like it on bubble and squeak and a breakfast isn't the same without it.

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