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Travel to India

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I used Travcour to get my VISA because I just couldn't be bothered queuing up at an Indian consulate.


I got loads of injections as well. The only one I had to pay for was the Yellow Fever which is only available from certain surgeries. I also had two different courses of anti malaria tablets.


Just checked my vaccination record. As well as the Yellow Fever I got Hepatitis A, Typhoid fever, a Polio booster and a joint Diptheria/ Tetanus booster. I didn't bother with the rabies because I was with a proper tour.


I went to see tigers. The food was amazing, the countryside fantastic, the people genuinely friendly, the poverty appalling, the trains slow. I found it hard to appreciate a country where infants share pools of mud with pigs and rats, I just couldn't get the "majesty" of a place where people were ****ting by the side of the road and disabled people begged everywhere. I'd encourage everyone to go though, maybe afterwards they'd be a little less quick to bleat about their own situation back here after seeing true poverty.

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