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Obesity and employers

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Ah, so it was on telly. Must to be totally legal and above board then to discriminate against the, how best to put it, bigger boned or glandularly challenged.


Well I believe whatever the media tells me, that's my duty as a consumer. Get with the program anarchist!

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Anarchist ? Not me mate, just trying save my fellow entrepreneurs an expensive court case.


as an employer i would definatly choose a healthy looking person over an overweight lard bucket, for a start the work gets done quicker if they are fit, personal hygeine can be an issue with over weight people and if they are front of house dealing with the public or clients not really a good impression given.

as for a court case extremely difficult in fact nigh on impossible to prove especially if they fail the interview.

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It is not unlawful to discriminate against someone who is obese.


Obesity is not a disability in the sense that multiple sclerosis or cystic fibrosis or only having one leg are disabilities. As pointed out above, you can through choice do something about being obese; you cannot change the other conditions.


Obesity, if unchecked, may lead to disability, but being fat is not in itself the same as being disabled.

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From the youtube comments..


She actually lasted 5 minutes and 42 seconds before blaming her thyroid. It's not an under-active thyroid that's causing you weight problem love, it's an overactive spoon


So true.


If you eat more calories than you use you get fat. Nothing more than being greedy and lazy. I have been there.

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as an employer i would definatly choose a healthy looking person over an overweight lard bucket, for a start the work gets done quicker if they are fit, personal hygeine can be an issue with over weight people and if they are front of house dealing with the public or clients not really a good impression given.

as for a court case extremely difficult in fact nigh on impossible to prove especially if they fail the interview.


I can understand why you'd pick a fit person over a chubba I just wouldn't tell them why. I'm amazed, certainly as some cases of obesity are down to medical conditions rather than cake, that's its not breaking the law to discriminate against fat people but I can't, for example, discriminate against someone with no arms or employing a devout Muslim in an off licence.


You live and learn.

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Of course getting a very public conviction for theft will probably not help her find an employer wanting to give her a job :roll:


Don't be cruel mate, she's long term unemployed and needed cake and pies. Cakes and pies are not cheap and are luxury items when you're on benefits.

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I stumbled across this today



After watching it i was sort of torn as to who i agree with,

Have a watch and share your thoughts.

Are employers "fatist"?

Do people have a responsibility to stay fit and healthy when looking for a job?

Or are employers just thinking smart. Do they consider fat people to be a liability in terms of needing more time off or making reasonable adjustments to the workplace and figure its not worth all the hassle so just pass them over for someone thinner?


A lot of employers are fat too. Would they employ themselves?

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I think it's very interesting that Katie Hopkins believes those overweight have little to no ambition. I absolutely agree because anyone can say they are ambitious, but the main driver of ambition and motivation is SELF-DISCIPLINE! And being overweight is the number one tell tale sign that someone lacks self discipline.


Really? I can think of loads of overweight people who have excelled in their careers.


Plus, when I've walked past the drop in center in Sheffield, everyone seems to be as skinny as bean poles, with track suits on.

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