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In favor or renewing Trident?

Renew Trident?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. Renew Trident?

    • Yes, renew them - money well spent!
    • No, get rid, it's a waste of money we haven't got!

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But there's no way North Korea could reach us with a missile.


Club-K missile launch system


or, alternatively


North Korea is believed to have more than 1,000 missiles of varying capabilities, including long-range missiles which could one day strike the US.


Pyongyang's programme has progressed over the last few decades from tactical artillery rockets in the 1960s and 70s to short-range and medium-range ballistic missiles in the 1980s and 90s. Systems capable of greater ranges are understood to be under research and development.

LINK [bBC News, 12 April 2013]


The need for a 365 days a year, 24/7 deterrent is a holdover from the days of the Cold War, when it was necessary to have a nuclear response system that could survive a first-strike attack.


There are alternatives to consider, although the specifics need hammering out:


Trident: no need for like-for-like replacement

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The USA runs the show, and when it requires the ruled to pay up they do through buying so called defence products. In the Middle East, client states, but tons of weapons, some they keep, others they ship to the war in Syria, so not direct contravention of policy there. We of course do the same, thus breaking no rules.


So being a client state has obligations, and thus the money in our special agreement flows on way. We just love to buy USA weaponry, I mean defence systems as that is how the language is served to the common people. It sounds important and thus the money disappears by the trillion over time of course.


Having nuclear also means the USA is reluctant to invade, so we can all appreciate the joke played of Gaddafi, and now on Syria. Sadly Iran refuses to weaponise its nuclear fuel, thus is threatened by Israel with its 200-400 nuclear bombs, but let us not discus hypocrisy here.


So the nuclear club help us be in a club, an important one too, but as a junior partner, allowing politicians to tell the common people how important the UK really is, and we the common people allow this transfer of our economic future to happen, while watching the country fall apart, under the propaganda we are all innit together, and cuts are necessary. Well yes if one wants a weapon system that can never be used, despite relying on the world bully the USA.

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We need a nuclear arsenal to keep NK in it's place, also to keep 'the next' NK in it's place.


I don't know what Trident needs replacing tho, is it out of date - do they not work anymore?

You don't have to be particularly accurate with an A-bomb, as long as the city in question gets demolished it counts as an accurate hit in my book.


Well it's clearly not having the desired effect, North Korea and Iran are both pressing ahead anyway.


As a detterent it's a total failure.

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But Trident is hugely expensive which has been irrelevant to all the Muslim wars we have chosen to involve ourselves in, so maybe it would be better to spend the money on conventional arms and scale back?


The world is as unpredictable as its ever been and we dont know whats round the corner.


If they got rid of Trident you wont have an extra £10 in your wages every week.


The next World War with be over energy resources. It seems a far out idea but not when oil could be worth 1000 times more than it does now.


We have it so lets keep it.

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When Kim Jong-Un comes knocking on our doors with a missile pointed at our faces saying "bend over whilst we give you a swift kick in the bollards" I will marching the Trident nay sayers to the front of the queue.


Are our hospitals and schools really in such die conditions that we need to put our national security at risk? Have you ever been turned away from the Doctor with the excuse being "Sorry we spent all our medicine money on Trident in 1998". No.


We bought it back then and our hospitals are better than ever and we haven't been invaded. Everyone's a winner.


Your argument is invalid.

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Dont worry about North Korea!


Its a chess game.


If you want to understand whats going on in the world political language then watch 'JFK' staring Kevin Costner. Its about a very similar situation about the Cuban missile crisis.


Its a very good interpretation of words between governments for political strategy.


King-Jong-Un is the new leader in world politics and he is trying to make his mark. Its all words


Keep Calm & Ignore It

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Dont worry about North Korea!


Its a chess game.


If you want to understand whats going on in the world political language then watch 'JFK' staring Kevin Costner. Its about a very similar situation about the Cuban missile crisis.


Its a very good interpretation of words between governments for political strategy.


King-Jong-Un is the new leader in world politics and he is trying to make his mark. Its all words


Keep Calm & Ignore It


Quite right!


There's no way they can reach the US or the UK with their missiles. We would have seen or heard about long range tests.

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