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Is it healthier to be poor

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Ha ha, I am truly sorry. :( Its literally my biggest annoyance and I tried so hard not to say it, but it just came out. Call it a form of OCD if you want? Friends? :love:


Ok, you've won me back over. That didn't take long did it. :D


Continue with the thread, we've resolved our differences!

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We have just seen an Ethiopian win the London Marathon, with other Ethiopians finishing in the top ten. The winner was one of thirteen children, very poor.

I assume that he would not have had the MMR to keep him well, and all the other benefits of the rich countries.

Our own Olympic gold medalist was from a very poor country.


Does our wealth make us lazy and in poor health?


Modern western society is the only society in history where the poorest are obese and the richest are thin.

Anyone that has travelled widely knows that there are no poor people in this country.

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Maybe his concern for the health of the poor is the main driver behind Osbornes austerity measures. Maybe not.


Could it be the massive debts bequeathed us by the last government?




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Any yet that fraudulent charlatan then had the unmitigated gall to say the following in 2008:


'IMF should warn in advance on financial turbulence'


Really Gordon? You think?



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Modern western society is the only society in history where the poorest are obese and the richest are thin.

Anyone that has travelled widely knows that there are no poor people in this country.


Poverty is all relative, but its more about peoples lifestyle choices, education, what they can cook and what they prioritise rather than money.

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We have just seen an Ethiopian win the London Marathon, with other Ethiopians finishing in the top ten. The winner was one of thirteen children, very poor.

I assume that he would not have had the MMR to keep him well, and all the other benefits of the rich countries.

Our own Olympic gold medalist was from a very poor country.


Does our wealth make us lazy and in poor health?



Running in Ethiopia is what football is to our kids here, everyone wants to be a successful long distance runner. It's a sure way of escaping poverty for them, if they make something of it, so you can see why they would be more determined to make it.

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Running in Ethiopia is what football is to our kids here, everyone wants to be a successful long distance runner. It's a sure way of escaping poverty for them, if they make something of it, so you can see why they would be more determined to make it.


Over here in the UK, sports centres dont allow kids into the training sessions, because they are not old enough. It will lead to gyms being taken to court for age discrimination, like in the thread about sex discrimination.

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No, it is not healthier to be poor. Poor people also binge drink, take drugs and smoke much more than rich people. I'd of thought that was obvious.


It's not obvious at all. Drinking amongst managerial and professional workers is higher than amongst low waged and unemployed people. The stats are similar for binge drinking.


All the info is available on the net. You could find it yourself instead.

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Over here in the UK, sports centres dont allow kids into the training sessions, because they are not old enough. It will lead to gyms being taken to court for age discrimination, like in the thread about sex discrimination.


Sexual discrimination is baseless, while age discrimination is based on the persons ability and maturity, unless you think children should be able to own firearms, watch pornography, drive cars and vote in general elections that is.

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while age discrimination is based on the persons ability and maturity, unless you think children should be able to own firearms, watch pornography, drive cars and vote in general elections that is.


Well thats the point, its not based on "the persons ability and maturity", its based on age.

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