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Is it healthier to be poor

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Over here in the UK, sports centres dont allow kids into the training sessions, because they are not old enough. It will lead to gyms being taken to court for age discrimination, like in the thread about sex discrimination.


Sports centres aren't needed, all parents need to do is stop been neuroticly over protective and allow and encourage their sprogs to play outside, climb trees, run wild, cycle, make dens and explore.


Plus kids burn far more calories when left to their own devices than structured activities.

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Many people in Africa have been genetically selected to be able to run long distances, that really has no bearing on their general health in modern day terms other than they are generally better at running. It's clear that poor people are generally less healthy for many different reasons from reduced access or knowledge of healthcare, possibly living in less sanitary conditions, interacting with others in those conditions, poor nutrition, unskilled/dangerous working conditions.


If you looked at life expectancy by country you'd find that there is a huge correlation between that GDP, ergo you point is nonsense.

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If you looked at life expectancy by country you'd find that there is a huge correlation between that GDP, ergo you point is nonsense.


The life exspectancy in Etheopia is more than ten years lower than in the UK, but how much of that is down to the NHS? The people of Etheopia have a healthier life style, because they are poor.

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Could it be the massive debts bequeathed us by the last government?




IMF Warns Brown over Pre-Election Spending




IMF warns Brown to cut spending




IMF warns Brown over spending




IMF gives Brown borrowing warning




Spend less or tax more, Brown told




Irate Brown rejects IMF's warning over deficit




IMF warns Brown to curb spending




Bad news for Brown as IMF says Britain's debt crisis is the worst among major economies



Any yet that fraudulent charlatan then had the unmitigated gall to say the following in 2008:


'IMF should warn in advance on financial turbulence'


Really Gordon? You think?




Are you available for Bar mitvahs?




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The life exspectancy in Etheopia is more than ten years lower than in the UK, but how much of that is down to the NHS? The people of Etheopia have a healthier life style, because they are poor.


I don't know what your argument is. You're totally right but I don't know what you think the upshots of that are, the implications.


We are a wealthy country and we are not as healthy but we live longer and we are wealthier.


If given a choice between live a 'healthy' life and die at 58 and also be poor, or be 'unhealthy' and die at 80 and be wealthy, I'd go for the latter.


This is all on the premise that being 'healthy' is the Ethiopians not eating junk food and doing more exercise, but my definition of healthy would include...healthcare, good nutrition, which many Ethiopians don't have.


Whether they are healthier depends on what you include in the definition of healthy which is subjective.

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We have just seen an Ethiopian win the London Marathon, with other Ethiopians finishing in the top ten. The winner was one of thirteen children, very poor.

I assume that he would not have had the MMR to keep him well, and all the other benefits of the rich countries.

Our own Olympic gold medalist was from a very poor country.


Does our wealth make us lazy and in poor health?


Absolutely not.


There is a direct llink between poverty and poor health. How can you not be aware of that?:huh:


Sorry, I'm sounding sarcastic now. Can't help it. Was born like it see?




educate yourself...



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  • 3 months later...
If only it was so incredibly simple.


Poor people don't get ill?

Poor people don't die?

They just are born, live poor, win marathons and then ... what?


....and then they advertise and endorse beauty products.


---------- Post added 31-07-2013 at 08:15 ----------


Message to Admin.


Banning me for no other reason than you don't like my opinion must be getting a little tiresome after ten years, yes off cause I have other accounts but most of them are inactive because you permanently suspending them. I use a different account for the other sections simply because expressing a controversial opinion on here results in account suspension or intimidation.


You have multiple accounts and each time I prove you wrong you appear as Admin and suspend my account which is rather its petty.


Yes I know you will suspend this account but I will just create another.


Does seem a little pointless when you put it like that, good luck :hihi:

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How many of our aristocracy are obese and die young?


That should answer your question.


---------- Post added 31-07-2013 at 11:47 ----------


There is nearly a 10 year gap in life expectancy between the richest and poorest people in this country.


Says it all really.


BUT you can eat healthily on a budget. Its convenience* that causes people to each bad foods.


* "convenience" is just "laziness" with good PR.

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