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Should I be worried? Child with phobia and mother laughing

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I know this girl who in all fairness is a terrible mother. Ill not go into too many details or name names as its just a bit of advice i need.

Her child has a irrational fear of radishes.

I kid ye not.

Hes terrified of them and if he sees one he runs away in the most dreadful state. Talking about this fear with her i asked her if hed got over it yet to which she replied no. I asked her if she still keeps them in the house and she said she did as everyone else liked them. She then called this child into the kitchen and over to the fridge where as she pulled out a radish and then chased him around the house for a good 5 minutes. He was hysterical and so was she but with laughter.

I told her i think this is wrong but she just said "her kids her rules" and so i left.

Should i report her for child abuse/neglect/something else.?

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Send a letter to social services, and mention all your concerns.


Now the secret is to write the letter in such a way that you're expressing concern for her children, NOT to slag off the mother (SS won't pay any attention to the latter).


You will probably receive a reply back from SS which will state that they are aware of the concerns and they are looking into it, blah blah.


At least you'll have flagged the matter up, which is better than doing nothing.

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Tell me this is a joke,................


You're not serious are you ?


If it is, SAAB's sense of humour is somewhat disturbing :|


I wish it was a joke. I realise that wouldnt make me a very nice sort but at least it would mean this kids isnt having the life scared out of him by a radish.

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Send a letter to social services, and mention all your concerns.


Now the secret is to write the letter in such a way that you're expressing concern for her children, NOT to slag off the mother (SS won't pay any attention to the latter).


You will probably receive a reply back from SS which will state that they are aware of the concerns and they are looking into it, blah blah.


At least you'll have flagged the matter up, which is better than doing nothing.


Totally agree.

What else might this person have done or be doing to her children.

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